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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann

Chair of Islamic Studies with Focus on Africa
Director Institute of African Studies
Dean & Spokesperson of the Cluster Proposal “Africa Multiple”
Member of the Research Section “Learning”
Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.04
Phone: +49  921 55-4593
E-Mail: ruediger.seesemann@uni-bayreuth.de

Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler  

Chair of Romance and Comparative Literature
Deputy Spokesperson of the Cluster “Africa Multiple”
Vice Dean of Internationalisation and Public Engagement
Vice-Director  Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Member of the Research Section “Arts & Aesthetics“
Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.07
Phone:+49 (0)921/55-4594
E-Mail: ute.fendler@uni-bayreuth.de

Prof. Dr. Eva Spies

Vice Dean for Research
Professor for the Study of Religion with special focus on Africa
Office: GW II  Room 1.11
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-4150
E-Mail: eva.spies@uni-bayreuth.de

susanne muehleisen

Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen

Chair of English Linguistics
Vice Dean Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)
Vice Dean of Early Career & Equal Opportunity in the Cluster “Africa Multiple”

Member of the Research Section “Learning”  
Office: GW I   Room: 1.14
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-3564/63
E-Mail: susanne.muehleisen@uni-bayreuth.de

Prof. Dr. Mirco Schönfeld

Vice Dean for of Digital Solutions
Junior Professor for Data Modeling and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Generation chair
Office: Building Zapf 3, Room: 3.23
Phone: +49 921 - 55 4597
E-Mail: mirco.schoenfeld@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Christine Vogt-William

Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.12
Phone: +49  921 55-4791
E-mail: christine.vogt-william@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Franz Kogelmann

Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.19
Phone: + 49 (0)921/55-4590
E-Mail: franz.kogelmann@uni-bayreuth.de

In advisory capacity:

Robert Debusmann

Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.09
Phone: +49  921 55-4796
E-Mail: robert.debusmann@uni-bayreuth.de

Stefanie Jost

Financial Manager
Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.17
Phone: +49  921 55-4798
E-Mail: stefanie.jost@uni-bayreuth.de

Nahrin Lado

Quality Manager
Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.08
Phone: + 49 921 55-4596
E-Mail: nahrin.lado@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Doris Löhr

Academic Coordinator IPE
Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room 3.3.10
Phone: +49  921 55-4794
E-Mail: doris.loehr@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Christine Scherer

Academic Coordinator Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies
Office: Geschwister-Scholl Platz 3
Phone: +49 (0)921/ 55-5100
E-Mail: christine.scherer@uni-bayreuth.de

Marisol Vazquez Llamas

Office: Nürnberger Str. 38 ZAPF Gebäude 3, Room
Phone: +49 921 55-4599
E-Mail: Marisol.Vazquez-Llamas@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Dr. Doris Löhr-Broß

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