Dr. Salamatou Salamatou
Postdoc Researcher
DAW/University of Yaoundé I
E-Mail: salamatou2019@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. Noah Salomon
Associate Professor of Religion and Irfan and Noreen Galaria Research Chair in Islamic Studies
University of Virginia
E-Mail: nsalomon@VIRGINIA.EDU
Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi
Professor of Climatology
Principal Investigator
Former Vice Dean of Digital Solutions (2019-2024)
Member of the Research Section “Mobilities”
Office: GEO II Room 0.17
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-2237
E-Mail: cyrus.samimi@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Féridjou Emilie Georgette Sanon-Ouattara
Senior Lecturer of English and Translation Studies at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Coordinator of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: fegsanon@yahoo.fr
Prof. Dr. Livio Sansone
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Federal University of Bahia, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Project Coordinator and Memberof the Research Section “Moralities”
E-Mail: sansone@ufba.br
Dr. Dominique Santos
Member of ACC Rhodes University
E-Mail: d.santos@ru.ac.za
Dr. Natewindé Sawadogo
Lecturer of Sociology at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
Research Section “Knowledges”
E-Mail: natewinde.sawadogo@yahoo.fr
Dr. Eveline Sawadogo-Compaoré
Assistant Researcher of sociology at the Environmental and Agricultural Research Institute (INERA)
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: compeve@yahoo.fr
Dr. Christine Scherer
Academic Coordinator / Early Career & Equal Opportunity in the
Cluster of Excellence "Africa Multiple"
Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 2.02, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921/ 55-6920
E-Mail: christine.scherer@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Mirco Schönfeld
Junior Professor for Data Modeling and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Generation chair
Vice Dean of Digital Solutions
Office: GW1, Room 0.07
Phone: +49 921 - 55 3561
E-Mail: mirco.schoenfeld@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm
Chair of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Principal Investigator
Spokesperson of the Research Section “Knowledges”
Office: GW II Room: 0.17
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-4170
E-Mail: katharina.schramm@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Paula Schrode
Professor for the Study of Religion with focus on contemporary Islam
Project Coordinator and Member of the Research Section “Moralities”
Office: GW II, Room: 1.26
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-4131
E-Mail: paula.schrode@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schrüfer
Chair of Didactics of Geography
Member of the Research Section "Learning"
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2275
E-Mail: gabriele.schruefer@uni-bayreuth.de
Dr. Anke Schürer-Ries
Data Curator at UBT
E-Mail: anke.schuerer-ries@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann
Chair of Islamic Studies with Focus on Africa
Dean and Spokesperson of the Cluster
Principal Investigator
Member of the Research Section “Learning”
Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 2.20, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921 55-6910
E-Mail: ruediger.seesemann@uni-bayreuth.de
Dr. Cyrille Semdé
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: cyrille.semde@gmail.com
Jun. Prof. Dr. Valentina Serreli
Professor of Arabic Studies
Office: GW I, Room: 1.04
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3554
E-Mail: valentina.serreli@uni-bayreuth.de
Dr. Daniel Shayo
Head of the Economic Law Department, University of Dar es Salaam School of Law
Tanzanian-German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies
Member of the Research Section “Affiliations”
E-Mail: daniel.shayo@uni-bayreuth.de
Dr. Justine Mukhwana Sikuku
Senior Researcher of Linguistics at Moi University
Member of ACC Moi
Member of the Research Section “Knowledges”
E-Mail: jastinosikuku@yahoo.com
Prof. Dr. Peter Tirop Simatei
Professor of Comparative Literature at Moi University
Dean, School of Arts & Social Sciences
Spokesperson of the ACC Directors
Director of ACC Moi
Research Section “Arts and Aesthetics” and “Knowledges”
E-Mail: tpsimatei@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. Ruth Simbao
Professor of Art History and Visual Culture at Rhodes University
Member of ACC Rhodes
Research Section “Arts and Aesthetics”
E-Mail: r.simbao@ru.ac.za
Dr. Lassina Simporé
Maître de conférences, archéologie at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: mkelassane2@yahoo.fr
Dr. Désiré Boniface Somé
Lecturer of Sociology at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: bonidesir@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. Magloire Somé
Professor of Contemporary Religious History at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Member of ACC Ouagadougou
E-Mail: magloire.some@univ-ouaga.bf
Dr. Ousséni Sore
Membre du Laboratoire de Recherche et de Formation en Sciences du Langage (Université Joseph KI-ZERBO)
Spécialiste en Sociolinguistique et Didactique des Langues (SDL)
Academic coordinator of ACC Ouagadougou
Expert en Didactique du français en contexte de multilinguisme
E-Mail: sorehussein@gmail.com
Dr. Lynda Spencer
Senior Lecturer of Literature at Rhodes University
Member of ACC Rhodes
E-Mail: l.spencer@ru.ac.za
Prof. Dr. Eva Spies
Professor for the Study of Religion with special focus on Africa
Vice Dean of Research
Principal Investigator
Spokesperson of the Research Section “Moralities”
Office: GW II Room 1.12
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-4150
E-Mail: Eva.Spies@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Gerd Spittler
Emeritus Professor for Anthropology
Office: GW II, Room U1.26
E-Mail: gerd.spittler@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann
Professor of Development Economics
Principal Investigator
Spokesperson of the Research Section “Affiliations”
Office: RW I Room: 1.0 02 124
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6077
E-Mail: david.stadelmann@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. emer. h.c. Dr. Michael Payne Steppat
Professor of Literature in English
Member of the Research Section "Knowledges"
E-Mail: michael.steppat@uni-bayreuth.de
Prof. Dr. Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Professor of African Politics and Development Policy at the University of Bayreuth
E-Mail: alexander.stroh@uni-bayreuth.de