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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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The ICDL Lecture and Workshop Series has been envisioned as an ongoing GDO measure for the Cluster’s PIs, research section members and the ACC members.

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Black OurStory Millenia Continues - Unser Black History Month Programm im März!Hide

Black OurStory Millenia Continues 

For us, Black History/Ourstory Month is celebrated all year round, because every day we (remind) ourselves that Black history and lives are more than just one month. That’s why we also celebrate Black OurStory Millenia in March!

The political situation in Germany and around the world is frightening, which is why AfroPolitan Berlin remains a place for community and solidarity. Join our Sharing Circles to talk about how you're doing, share your strategies, and learn more about Anti-Racist Psychotherapy with Benjamin.

This year, we honor International Women*s Day or International Feminist Fighting Day with a lecture and exchange on Racism and Migration by Jennifer Kamau from International Women* Space. You’ll learn about the feminist refugee movement, its strategies, and demands. We are excited that this talk is the first in our new series BLACKSPLAINED, in which Black experts from activism, science, and other fields provide us with Black perspectives on various topics.

Your Black Joy matters! Find your joy and let it all out at Melanin Magic Karaoke with Jazzy Jes.

We look forward to seeing you <3

Please click here to go to the main website >>

External / ACC



ICDL Round Table on Queer African CitizenshipHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office


an ICDL Round Table

Queer African Citizenship: Working through Unbelonging and Unhoming

Thursday, 1 February 2024

2 – 4 PM, CET

For more information, please click here

ICDL Round table on African MasculinitiesHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office


an ICDL Round Table

African Masculinities

Thursday, 21 December 2023

2 – 4 PM, CET

For more information, please click here

The Afrokology of Media and Communication StudiesHide
Wiston Mano

The Gender & Diversity Office (GDO) of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence invites you to participate in an upcoming Workshop on

“The Afrokology of Media and Communication Studies”

facilitated by renowned African media studies scholar Dr. Winston Mano. Please register for the workshop with the GDO at africamultiple-gdo@uni-bayreuth.de by 15 November 2022.

10:00 – 17:00
Monday, 21 Nov 2022
Tuesday, 22 Nov 2022
Thursday, 24 Nov 2022

International Meeting Centre (IBZ)
Alexander von Humboldt-Haus
Guest House of the University of Bayreuth
Eichendorffring 5
95447 Bayreuth

The Workshop is especially tailored to the needs of junior scholars at the M.A and Ph.D. level, however, you are all welcome to join in this hybrid format. Zoom details will be provided on registration.

Don’t miss out on the One-to-one Mentoring Sessions with Dr. Mano on Friday, 25 November 2022. Dr. Mano can provide guidance on topics such as using Afrokology and other decolonial frameworks to support the theoretical/methodological approaches of graduate students, journal and book publication, effective academic communication strategies, and other concerns.

For more information please see enclosed flyer and programme. Please share in your networks and encourage emerging scholars to join in the conversations.

gdo icdl

The GDO presents the ICDL Keynote Event:

Film Launch:
The Micere Githae Mugo Story

A documentary film by Prof. Ndirangu Wachanga,
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Madison

Venue: S58, RW I, University of Bayreuth Campus, Germany | Zoom (Please click here for the link)
Date: Thursday, 11 May 2023
Time: 2- 4:30 pm

**This event is the companion to Prof. Micere Mugo’s ICDL Lecture last year on 9th June 2022 in the Cluster’s Knowledge Lab.

Please click for more information

ICDL lecture by Dr. Stella NyanziHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office presents an ICDL Lecture by

Stella Nyanzi (Phd)
Writer-in-Exile, PEN Zentrum Deutschland

  • When: Thursday, 21 July 2022 14:00 - 16:00
  • Where: Cluster Knowledge Lab Room S 135, NW III, University of Bayreuth Campus, Germany and Online

To access this event via Zoom, please click here.

For more information, please click here.

ICDL Book Launch of African Women in Digital SpacesHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office Presents the ICDL Book Launch of

African Women in Digital Spaces: Redefining Social Movements on the Continent and in the Diaspora. (2022)

The book launch and round table discussion will provide thought impulses towards continuing the conversations around decolonizing African Media Studies, begun at the Cluster’s Medialities Conference in July 2022. At the same time, this conversation charts intersections and overlaps between geophysical, geopolitical and digital spatialities, ICDL concepts, citizenship and belonging between the continent and the diasporas. Among relevant foci are digital literacy and power relations, potentials of decolonisation of knowledge and knowledge production practices in digital spaces, and more conscious critical engagements with African women’s scholarship in digital humanities.

Venue: RW I, Room S58 University of Bayreuth Campus, Germany | Zoom (Meeting ID: 683 9613 0569, Passcode: 897688)

Please click for more information

ICDL Lecture: Intersectional Complexities, Diversity Optics and Axes of SpaceHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office

presents an ICDL Lecture by
Dr. Nirmal Puwar (PhD), Goldsmith’s College, London, UK

Intersectional Complexities, Diversity Optics and Axes of Space

Thursday 1st June 2023; 4 – 6 PM
Zoom (Meeting ID: 683 9613 0569, Passcode: 897688) || Room S 58, RW I, Uni-Bayreuth

Layers of space help us to understand the multiple axes of privilege and power involved in boundary making. This lecture will offer an outline of space invaders, with a view to complicating analysis of intersectionality and marginalities. Diversity as presence and optics continues to generate hard line borders and barriers. Naïve and pure notions of racialized or gendered bodies, don’t enable us to appreciate the complex web of outsiders on the inside. Moving through different conceptions of space and place, this presentation will delve into the processes of both space invaders and space invading. A wide range of examples will be shared, from the worlds of politics, museums and artistic interventions.

Chaired by Dr. Christine Vogt-William
Director of the Gender and Diversity Office
Africa Multiple Cluster of 

Please click for more information

Round Table Event: Framing the Other and An Uneasy EmbraceHide

Framing the Other and An Uneasy Embrace.

A Cluster Conversation with Farish Noor and Shobana Shankar

22 June 2023, 2 pm - 4 pm

Zoom (Meeting ID: 668 1584 8399; Passcode: 897688) || Room S 58, RW I, Uni-Bayreuth

This round table brings two books into conversation with each other: Farish Noor’s Framing the Other (2019) and Shobana Shankar’s An Uneasy Embrace (2021). Please find attached a detailed description of the event and the preparatory readings.

Organization & Moderation:
Britta Frede (University of Bayreuth)
Christine Vogt-William (University of Bayreuth)

Roundtable Participants:
Shobana Shankar (Stony Brook University, USA)
Farish Noor (University Malaya, Malaysia)
Rüdiger Seesemann, (University of Bayreuth)
Jochen Linglbach, (University of Bayreuth)

Please click to see the attached documents

ICDL lecture by Prof. Mῖcere Gῖthae MũgoHide

The Africa Multiple Cluster Gender and Diversity Office presents and ICDL Lecture by

Prof. Mῖcere Gῖthae Mũgo

Emerita Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence Department of African American Studies (Syracuse University, New York)

When: Thursday, 9 June 2022 14:00 - 16:00
Where: Cluster Knowledge Lab S58, RW I, University of Bayreuth Campus, Germany and Online

To access this event via Zoom, please click here.

For more information, please click here.

Acknowledgement for the contributions to the round table "Decolonial Feminisms"Hide

Thank you for your contribution / Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Teilnahme / Merci encore pour votre participation!

Decolonial Feminisms: A Transdisciplinary African Feminist Conversation on Wednesday 18 May 2022, 10 AM to 12 noon

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone for being a part of the community of learning and exchange with the feminist pioneers, Dr. Fatou Sow, Prof. Ousseina Alidou, Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo and Prof. Françoise Vergès.

Our special thanks go to the BIGSAS Management and administrative team, as well as to everybody over at WR Events GmbH for the smooth cooperation on making this event happen.

If you could not attend via livestreaming on that day, please click the link below to watch or download the recording of the Roundtable. Do share it widely in your communities.

English: https://vimeo.com/708726032/f8a195519d
French: https://vimeo.com/708726513/b7ea12e721

We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Gender and Diversity Office
Africa Multiple Cluster

Vielen Dank, dass Sie an der Veranstaltung Roundtable on Decolonial Feminisms am 18. Mai 2022 teilgenommen haben. Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen die Diskussion mit den vier Pionierinnen Dr. Fatou Sow, Prof. Osseina Alidou, Prof. Akosua Ampofo und Françoise Vergès gefallen hat.

Wenn Sie den Livestream verpasst haben oder nicht dabei sein konnten, klicken Sie bitte auf den untenstehenden Link, um das aufgezeichnete Video des Podiumsgesprächs zu sehen.

English: https://vimeo.com/708726032/f8a195519d
French: https://vimeo.com/708726513/b7ea12e721

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bei unserer nächsten Veranstaltung wiederzusehen.

Merci d'avoir participé à notre Roundtable on Decolonial Feminisms le 18 mai 2022. Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié la discussion avec les quatre pionnières, Dr. Fatou Sow, Prof. Osseina Alidou, Prof. Akosua Ampofo et Prof. Françoise Vergès.

Si vous avez manqué ou n'avez pas pu assister au livestreaming, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir la vidéo enregistrée de la table ronde.

English: https://vimeo.com/708726032/f8a195519d
French: https://vimeo.com/708726513/b7ea12e721

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir à notre prochain événement.

Roundtable: DECOLONIAL FEMINISMS: A Transdisciplinary African Feminist ConversationHide

The Roundtable "DECOLONIAL FEMINISMS: A Transdisciplinary African Feminist Conversation" will engage with decolonial feminism from francophone and anglophone African feminist perspectives with a view to generating valuable insights in intersectional and decolonial epistemic frames pertinent to the Cluster’s agenda of reconfiguring African Studies. This intergenerational, transdisciplinary conversation has been envisioned as a sharing of thought impulses from the speakers‘ diverse situated standpoints which encompass both continental and diasporic contexts.

When: May 18, 2022, 10:00 -12:00

Roundtable participants: 

  • Dr. Fatou Sow (sociologist and education scientist; Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal and Centre National de Recherches Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, France)
  • Prof. Ousseina Alidou (African Literatures and Languages; Rutgers University, USA)
  • Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo (sociologist, African and Gender Studies scholar; University of Legon, Accra, Ghana)
  • Prof. Francoise Verges (political scientist and historian; Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, France)


  • Dr. Christine Vogt-William, Director GDO, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth

The roundtable is designed as a pre-event for the award ceremony of the honorary doctorate for Dr. Fatou Sow later the same evening. It will be streamed online and may be attended via Zoom. 

External / ACC

Debate Series, “Everyone’s Human Rights”, Chair of African Legal Studies.Hide
Everyone human rights event banner

The Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth in cooperation with Rhodes University would like to invite you to the debates series on intractable problems of human rights in Africa: Everyone’s Human Rights

26 October – 30 November 2022 from 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM (SAST) on Zoom.


“ When the law is not enough: Tackling intractable problems of human rights – prospects for integrated approaches”

Focus on Child Labour, Human Trafficking and LGBTIQ+ Rights in Africa


More information about the series can be found at:

We look forward to welcoming you to these cutting-edge debates on human rights.
Join us online at the following link:  https://uni-bayreuth.zoom.us/j/63568995437?pwd=MkJnblZobTZjWXdBTzN6eWs5VXVKdz09

WIDE+ Week, 5-12.09.22: Feminist Voices around the war in Ukraine and its global Context, Peacebuilding and MilitarizationHide

Join in for a week full of online seminars bringing different Feminist Voices around the war in Ukraine and its global Context, Peacebuilding and Militarization. More information on the WIDE+ Week [link: https://wideplus.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzExMCwiYzdjY2Q5YTkzNTBjIiwwLDAsMCwxXQ]





  • Online Seminar: "Learned lessons from feminist led peace processes". Monday 12 September, tentative times: 6.00-7.30 PM CEST, in English and Spanish. Click here to register [https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RicEBEGgSkyZLnJI2FcgQQ]  
ACC Ouagadougou - AWARD Virtual Storytelling EventHide

ACC Ouagadougou - AWARD Virtual Storytelling Event

ACC Moi University – AFRICA COLLOQUIUM SEMINAR, Men and Masculinities: Promoting Gender Equality ResearchHide
men and masc banner


Men and Masculinities: Promoting Gender Equality Research

Presentation by: DR. JAFRED MUYAKA



Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 4943 3570
Passcode: 368082

Please click to access the abstract


Roundtable for Black Persons and Persons of Colour on EmpowermentHide

The Anti-Racism Committee of the University of Bayreuth presents:

Roundtable for Black Persons and Persons of Colour on Empowerment

on Monday, 11 July 2022, 12.00-14.00, via Zoom

If you are interested, please send your registration by 7 July 2022 with the following details to the Diversity Service Office (diversity@uni-bayreuth.de).

Please see the information attached

*Afrikanist*innentag 2023: Im/materielles Erbe neu kalibriert*. 4.-6.05.23, Institut für Afrikastudien, Universität LeipzigHide

*Afrikanist*innentag 2023: Im/materielles Erbe neu kalibriert*. 4.-6.05.23, Institut für Afrikastudien, Universität Leipzig

 Keynote speaker: Prof. Sinfree Makoni (Pennstate University).

 The deadline for the submission of panels (incl. speakers’ papers) of max. 500 words and individual abstracts for papers (max. 300 words) to be assigned for a panel by the conference committee is 15 November 2022.

 Please send your panel/paper description to at2023@uni-leipzig.de.

 The Afrikanist*innentag is jointly organizedby the Fachverband Afrikanistik, the Gesellschaft für afri-kanisches Recht, the LANGARCHIV (ERC Leipzig, Paris, London) and Racalibrating Afrikanistik (VW Stif-tung Kleine Fächer).

Please here for the full announcement

African Book Festival 2022, BerlinHide

The African Book Festival gathers the most famous, most influential, award-winning writers and artists from the African continent and its diaspora for readings, discussions, interviews, concerts as well as theatre and spoken word performances in Berlin.

Since 2018, the festival has quickly grown into a popular public event, visited by up to 1.500 people per day, receiving broad local, national and international media coverage.

For more information, please click here.

Racism for white-positioned persons: Let’s start the conversationHide

The Anti-Racism Committee of the University of Bayreuth presents:

Racism for white-positioned persons: Let’s start the conversation

on Wednesday, 13 July, 13.00-15.00, via Zoom

If you would like to participate in the event, please send an e-mail to the Diversity Service Centre (diversity@uni-bayreuth.de) by 7 July 2022.

Please see the information attached 

International Conference: Nature-Society Relations and the Global Environmental CrisisHide

International Conference of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG) at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin


Nature-Society Relations and the Global Environmental Crisis –
Thinking on Climate Change and Sustainability from the Fields of Intersectional Theory and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies


From Thursday, 4th May to Saturday, 6th May 2023
at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Senate Hall)

Human-made climate change has been a subject for science and politics for decades – and is now slowly becoming one for the law. Society’s relations to the natural world have changed so much since the start of industrialization that global survival and life on Earth are being called into question. As early as the 1970s, the report for the Club of Rome highlighted the “limits of growth” for humankind. Almost from the outset of such research, the organization of the capitalist economy was identified as driving the ecological crisis. Sociological analyses identified the process of societal modernization as being fundamental to the collapse of our environment. Feminist positions understand the gendered hierarchies underlying the relationship between humans and the more-than-human world as being both the basic cause and the concrete expression of the global environmental crisis. These hierarchies extend to climate policy and law. At the same time, feminist perspectives offer visions of how this relationship can be rethought.

For more information, please click here.

 Kick-off Stadtlabor "Demokratie: Vom Versprechen der Gleichheit"Hide

Kick-off-Workshop zu unserem neuen Projekt am 22. Juni 2022 von 18 - 20:30 Uhr im Historischen Museum, Frankfurt am Main 

Anlässlich des 175-jährigen Jubiläums der Nationalversammlung in der Frankfurter Paulskirche möchten wir gemeinsam mit Euch eine Ausstellung zum Thema „Demokratie: Vom Versprechen der Gleichheit“ realisieren. Dabei sollen vielfältige Blicke auf Demokratie Beachtung finden.  Dazu laden wir insbesondere jene Menschen ein, die Diskriminierungserfahrungen machen.

Bei der kommenden Kick-off-Veranstaltung werden wir allen Teilnehmenden das Format des Stadtlabors genauer vorstellen und den Prozess des Co-Kuratierens erläutern. Außerdem möchten wir bereits erste thematische Inhalte diskutieren.  Eingeladen sind alle, die Interesse daran haben, multiperspektivisch und diskriminierungssensibel das Stadtlabor mitzugestalten.

Anbei findet Ihr die Einladungspostkarte sowie ein Poster. Wenn Ihr das Poster aufhängen möchtet, können wir es bei Bedarf hier im Museum ausdrucken und Euch zukommen lassen.

Um die Einladung zu diesem Workshop herunterzuladen, klicken Sie bitte hier.

A Kick-Of Workshop to our new project on 22 June 2022, from 6 to 8:30 PM at the Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main

On the occassion of the 175th anniversary of the National Assembly in St. Paul's Church in Frankfurt am Main, we would like to engage with the topic of Democracy: Of the Promise of Equality, whereby diverse perspectives on democracy will be considered. We would like to especially invite those who experience discrimination.

In the upcoming Kick-Off event we will introduce all participants to the format of the City Lab and explain the process of co-curation. Besides this we would like to address initial thematic content for discussion. Everyone interested in contributing to the City Lab in multi-perspectival ways that are sensitive to modes of discrimination, are invited to join us. Attached you will find the invitation postcard and the poster. If you wish to have the poster in hard copy, we can print it off here at the museum on demand and send it to you.

To access the invitation to this workshop, please click here.

Two-part Webinar series: from "Gender and Trade Coalition" and the "Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights"Hide

This series will examine the kind of trading paradigms currently being pursued in post-war contexts, and ask what relationships these have—if any—with sustainable peace.

  • 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4), 20 April: Trade, Gender and Post-War Recovery, Exploring the Intersections
  • 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4), 27 April: Trade, Gender and Post-War Recovery, Visioning Feminist Trade Alternatives for Post-War Recovery and Sustainable Peace
Feminist Film ClubHide

For members who are interested in learning more about the current situation in Tigray, Ethiopia, please join us on Tuesday, February 15th at 8am New York/ 14:00 Lagos/ 16:00 Addis Ababa/ 17:00 Dubai/ 20:00 Bangkok for another exciting addition of the Feminist Film Club.

Films: The Water Will Carry Us Home and For Tigray
(by filmmaker Gabrielle Tesfaye)

Speakers: Gabrielle Tesfaye and Mahder Tella

Date: Tuesday, February 15th
Time: 13:00/1pm UTC

This month we are celebrating Black Feminist leadership with the screen of two short films by Gabrielle Tesfaye followed by an in conversation with activist Mahder Tella to talk about the current political and civil upheaval in Tigray.

The screening and discussion will be streamed on AWID’s Facebook Live for the general public, but members can join the discussion directly and have access to French interpretation and closed captioning in English.

To register for this event, please click here.

Webmaster: Olutosin Akinwumi

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