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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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The items published in the “Views” section are articles, interviews, or op-eds by cluster members. As the cluster comprises more than 120 members from about 25 disciplines and is based in three continents, the views within the research organization are very diverse.

The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and reflect individual research priorities and specific disciplinary approaches. They do not purport to represent the opinions or views of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence or its members.


Weltmacht Dollar - Geschichte einer Währung - 16.04.2024

Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stieg der Dollar zur weltweiten Leitwährung auf. Für die US-Amerikaner ist das eine sehr komfortable Situation. So können sie etwa US-Boykotte de facto weltweit durchsetzen. Denn vom dollarbasierten Finanzsystem abgeschnitten zu sein, kann sich kaum ein Staat oder größeres Unternehmen leisten ...more

cfa frank

Kai Koddenbrock: CFA franc: conditions are ripe for replacement of the west African currency rooted in colonialism – expert - 07.04.2024

At no point in history has the CFA franc – the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone – been closer to its demise. Senegal has overwhelmingly voted for leftwing Pastef candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye (and his former party leader Ousmane Sonko) while the coup governments in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have been talking about leaving the CFA franc for some time ...more


Stefan Ouma: Revanchist culture struggle - 06.04.2024

Kritik an postkolonialen Theorien hat Konjunktur. Sie mäandert zwischen Bauchgefühl und revanchistischer Identitätspolitik. Zeit für eine Verteidigung. Essay von Clustermitglied Prof. Dr Stefan Ouma, Professor für Wirtschaftsgeographie und Co-Direktor des Instituts für Afrikastudien an der Universität Bayreuth, zudem Co-Sprecher im BMBF-geförderten Wissenschaftsnetzwerk Rassismusforschung ...more


Aus Europa, nach Europa. Das internationale Flüchtlingsrecht und sein koloniales Erbe - 10.01.2024

Die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention von 1951 steht heute als vermeintliches Relikt unter Beschuss. Oft vergessen wird dabei, dass sie als Lehre aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs entstand, als vor allem Europäer*innen fliehen wollten. Universalisiert wurde sie erst auf Druck der post-kolonialen Staaten des globalen Südens. ...more


Kai Koddenbrock: German trade and investment in Africa: Geoeconomics, regional complementarities and domestic resource mobilisation - 21.12.2023

Germany is struggling to adapt to an increasingly multipolar present. Caught between an expansionist and potentially unstable Russia, a more assertive China to the East, and a flailing US hegemon across the Atlantic to the West, it is under intense pressure to build better relationships with Africa, Asia, and South and Central America.  ...more

wer kommt ohne Google aus

Wer kommt ohne Google aus? - 10.09.2023

BAYREUTHER SONNTAG Als Larry Page, gemeinsam mit Sergey Brin, Google vor 25 Jahren gründete, hatten beide ein Ziel: Das Sortieren der Saten im Internet. Das macht Google auch heute noch und bearbeitet mittlerweile etwa. ...more


Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo: Mobile money in Ghana isn’t all good news: customers are paying a hefty price - 15.08.2023

Fintechs, notably mobile money, have transformed banking and finance in developing and emerging economies in Africa and beyond. Financial technology (better known as fintech) is used to describe new technology that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services.  ...more

Statement on the Condoning of Racism by the Frankfurt Research Center on Global Islam - 01.05.2023

The Cluster has published a statement on the condoning of racism by the Frankfurt Research Centre on Global Islam ...more

Statement on the dismissal of Mohamedou Ould Slahi as curator of the African Book Festival - 23.03.2023

On 14 March 2023, the African Book Festival rescinded the invitation to Mohamedou Ould Slahi to curate this year’s festival. In response, thirty African studies scholars have issued a statement (in German) criticizing this decision. An English version is available online, with the option of joining the group of signatories: ...more

ghana news

Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo on Ghana's Financial Crisis - 22.02.2023

Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo is a PhD candidate and junior fellow at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth. He is currently completing his dissertation on the political economy of money and finance in postcolonial Ghana. ...more


Africa Monetary Policy Committees Wrap - Naledi Moleo, Trevor Hambayi, Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo - 27.01.2023

Naledi Moleo spoke to financial analyst and senior partner at Development Finance Associates (DFA), Trevor Hambayi AND Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo who is a Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth – Germany ...more

Prof Dr Katharina Schramm

From Bayreuth to New York - 14.11.2022

An interview with Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm, Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Bayreuth and currently Theodor Heuss Professor in New York. ...more

2022-10-24 Africa bracht

Afrika braucht wirtschaftliche Souveränität - 24.10.2022

Vielleicht leidet kein Kontinent mehr unter dem Erbe des europäischen Kolonialismus als Afrika. Nach jahrhundertelanger Versklavung und gewaltsamer Enteignung erlangten die afrikanischen Länder ab Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts schließlich ihre Unabhängigkeit, nur um sich in der von ihren ehemaligen Kolonialherren dominierten Weltwirtschaft gefangen zu sehen ...more

The terrors of Kenya’s school fire epidemic - 06.10.2022

In this article, Dr. Elizabeth Cooper, Canadian scholar and Cluster Fellow of the Academy of Advanced African Studies is quoted explaining the phenomenon of Kenya's school fires. ...more


Ist das Wort »Dschungel« rassistisch? - 07.07.2022

DIE ZEIT: Frau Arndt, Harald Martenstein hat im Februar eine ZEITmagazin-Kolumne geschrieben über »Wörter, die man angeblich nicht mehr aussprechen sollte«. Darin kritisiert er Ihr Buch Rassismus begreifen, in dem Sie Begriffe auflisten, die Sie nicht verwenden, ...more

Africa Multiple? Critical Reflections on the Discipline of Economics in Africa - 27.06.2022

Multiplicity is the defining concept of the Cluster of Excellence "Africa Multiple". It is through relations that multiple modes of existence, values, forms of knowledge and performances in areas like identity, politics, production, mobility, and consumption come into being. ...more

Raymond Boadi Frempong, David Stadelmann: "A Micro-Based Evaluation of  Water Projects" - 24.04.2022

A large proportion of the world’s population (about 884 million people according to WHO & UNICEF’s 2017 estimates) lack access to clean potable water. More than half of the affected people live in Sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions. ...more

Andreas Wüst, Katharina Nicolai: "Cultural diplomacy and the reconfiguration of soft power: Evidence from Morocco" - 24.02.2022

During the reign of King Mohammed VI, Morocco experienced a rapid expansion in regional economic and military ties that have given a gradual impetus to a shift in regional power constellations. But in the shadow of this hard power trajectory, the Moroccan regime is increasingly capitalizing on its soft power resources as well. ...more

Dr. Serge Noël Ouédraogo: "It is necessary to act in good understanding with ECOWAS" - 09.02.2022

The extraordinary summit of the ECOWAS Conference of Heads of State and Government on the political situation in Burkina, Guinea and Mali, held in Accra on 3 February 2022 did not impose new sanctions against the new Burkinabe authorities. The teacher-researcher at the Department of History and Archaeology of the Joseph-Ki-Zerbo University and member of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, Dr. Serge Noël Ouédraogo deciphers the decision of the sub regional structure through this interview. ...more

Stefan Ouma: "The Debate – why economists get Africa (really) wrong" - 08.02.2022

In a debate on radical political economy, economics and economists working on Africa, Franklin Obeng-Odoom and Morten Jerven look at the use of statistics, mainstream economics, power, imperialism, patriarchy, and structural inequality. ... more

Martin Doevenspeck, Kamal Donko, Uli Beisel: "Migration controls at the Burkina Faso-Niger borderland reveal European attitudes to African livelihoods" - 07.01.2022

European migration bodies have supported the technological modernisation and militarisation of border posts in West Africa, interrupting long-term patterns of mobility in the region ... more

Joël Glasman: "Are humanitarian standards scientific? What sociology of science can teach us about the Sphere standards" - 17.12.2021

The myth of humanitarian action supported by data and scientific evidence has had its day – or so argues the author here, drawing on the history of the most widely known standards in the sector. ...more

Clarissa Vierke: "Von Arroganz bis Neugier: Reaktionen auf den Literaturnobelpreis für Gurnah" - 12.10.2021

Ein interessantes, anregendes Interview mit Nobelpreisträger Abdulrazak Gurnah. Zum Anhören bitte hier klicken.

Stefan Ouma: "How Economics Would Change if Race and Racism Were Taken Seriously" - 16.09.2021

Professor Stefan Ouma, Chair of Economics Geography and PI in the Cluster, was recently interviewed by the Podcast A Correction “Making Economics Accessible”) on his blog contribution on race, racism and economics to Critical Development Economics. In both the podcast and blogpost, the following questions are addressed:

What would an economics that takes race and racism seriously as structural-relational problems have to look like? To what kind of epistemic and institutional practices would it have to commit itself in an effort to effectively engage with these lived realities? ...more

"Lagos in Nigeria: A Week in the World’s Most Chaotic City" - 12.09.2021

Lagos is poised to become the world’s biggest city. The Nigerian megacity is a massive experiment – unregulated and wild, with endless traffic jams, waterfront slums and an impressively resilient population. ...more

Alexander Stroh: "Das SDG 16 - Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und Beteiligung am Beispiel Afrika" - 19.08.2021

Was bedeutet das SDG 16? Wie kann man verlässlichen Zugang zur Justiz erreichen? Was sind inklusive Institution? Gibt es einen inklusiven Prozess dieser Gestaltung? Welche afrikanischen Ländern haben diese Prozesse bereits begonnen? ...mehr

R. Benedito Ferrão: "1991: Dispossessions – A 30th Anniversary Remembrance of the Gulf War" - 01.08.2021

The past stays with us, this we know. But what we can be less certain of is how the future possesses us even before we arrive at it. ...more

Katharina Schramm: "Eine Geste reicht nicht aus" - 05.06.2021

Deutschland hat über ein Jahrhundert gebraucht, um den Genozid an den Herero und Nama selbst als Völkermord zu bezeichnen. Jetzt liegt der Entwurf für ein Abkommen vor, das die Schuld betont und Geld an die Nachfahren fließen lässt. ...mehr

"Dort sollte keine Stadt sein": Fränkischer Professor kennt Todesvulkan in- und auswendig - 27.05.2021

Der Bayreuther Professor Martin Doevenspeck ist seit 15 Jahren Experte für Vulkane im Ostkongo. Nach dem tödlichen Ausbruch am Samstag (23.05.2021), der drohte, die Millionenstadt Goma zu verschlingen, spricht er bei inFranken.de über Versäumnisse vor Ort. ... more

Susan Arndt: "Yes She Can - Frauen verändern die Welt" - 21.05.2021

Gleichberechtigung heißt nicht automatisch Chancengleichheit – das gilt für berufstätige Frauen in Deutschland auch heute noch. YES SHE CAN – FRAUEN VERÄNDERN DIE WELT zeigt Frauen, die mit diesem Status Quo nicht einverstanden sind. Vorbilder, die inspirieren.  ...more

Tilman Musch: "In the center of the desert: The Teda and the Tibesti" - 07.05.2021

This photo reportage focuses on the Tubu Teda and the Tibesti. The aim is to give contemporary impressions of a region of the Central Sahara and its inhabitants. ...more

Jochen Lingelbach: "Before 1951, Outside Europe" - 28.04.2021

The 1951 Refugee Convention and the UNHCR had a longer pre-history drawing on experiences influencing its further developments. A critical predecessor in this regard was the UN’s International Refugee Organization (IRO), established in 1946 to deal with Europe’s displaced. ...more

Open Letter to the University Board at the University of Bayreuth

In response to the racist attacks initiated by an affiliate of the University of Bayreuth (UBT) against Professor Maureen Maisha Auma, professor of Diversity Studies at the Hochschule Magedeburg Stendal and previous guest of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, members of the UBT and the Africa Multiple Cluster have issued an Open Letter to the members of the university board at the UBT, demanding them to take a public stance against this attempt at racist or sexist oppression and to renew their commitment to the principles of equality and diversity. You can read the Open Letter here.

Hassan Juma Ndzovu: "Islam and Sexuality in Kenya" - 01.03.2021

Due to the diverse nature of the country, Kenya’s Muslim population is characterized by clear racial, ethnic, linguistic and sectarian fragmentation. In addition to the Arab and Indian Muslims who settled on the East African coast from around the fourteenth century, there are several indigenous Muslim groups. ...more

Africa Knows! – Blog: "Exploring the wealth of African knowledges through the power of language" - 01.03.2021

Paper published by participants of the Panel D27a ‘Language issues: Reconfiguring language use in African Studies during the ongoing Africa Know! Conference. This panel examines how the depth and wealth of African knowledges could be explored through the power of language. ...more

Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni: "‘Moral evil, economic good’: Whitewashing the sins of colonialism" - 01.03.2021

How war, violence and extractivism defined the legacy of the empire in Africa, and why recent attempts to explore the ‘ethical’ contributions of colonialism risk rewriting history and undermining progress. ...more

R Benedito Ferräo: "From jazz to hip hop, Afro-South Asian music collaborations reflect imagined, more liberatory worlds" - 22.02.2021

A conversation with Elliott Powell, author of ‘Sounds from the Other Side: Afro-South Asian Collaborations in Black Popular Music’. ...more

Jean Allman: "Academic reparation and stepping aside" - 02.02.2021

Reflections from a former President of the African Studies Association (ASA), the largest African Studies association globally, on the future of the discipline. ...more

Mukoma wa Ngũgĩ: "White Privilege in African Studies: When You Are Done, Please Call Us" - 28.01.2021

It’s a spectator sport now, only to reveal whiteness centering itself. It is a comedy of errors – white Africanists still trying to resolve white privilege and racism in the study of a continent that has been moving on. ...more

Tilman Musch: "Oasen des Friedens für den Tschad" - 26.01.2021

Wird im Norden des Tschad, im Volk der Teda, Recht gesprochen, geschieht dies bis heute nach einem jahrhundertealten Kodex, der sich unter anderem auf althergebrachte Sprichwörter bezieht und dazu geeignet ist, Konflikte einvernehmlich zu lösen. ...mehr

Jochen Lingelbach: "From war-torn Europe to peaceful Africa" - 26.01.2021

Less than eighty years ago, the Middle East and, particularly, Africa provided a safe haven for refugees from the misery in Europe. Thousands of Greeks and Yugoslavs fled from the fighting, famine and oppression to Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanganyika (part of modern-day Tanzania), or the Congo. ...more

Birgit Meyer: "Studying Religion in and from Africa" - 13.01.2021

Please find an interesting blog from our colleague and advisory board member Birgit Meyer, “Studying Religion in and from Africa” in the framework of the Africa Knows! Conference. ...more

COVID-19: Implications on the EAC Regional Economic Community - 18.12.2020

Like in many areas, the effects of the pandemic have also been felt in the area of regional economic integration. In particular, it may be observed that COVID-19 pandemic, brought two notable challenges to Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in general. ...more

Jochen Lingelbach: 'Swimming to safety' - 20.11.2020

In 1942, an unnamed Greek man swam the seven kilometers from the island of Chios to the Turkish coast. According to historian Philip Argenti, he started his journey at the promontory of Haghia Heléne, putting his clothes in a watertight tin that also served him as a lifebuoy. ...more

Episode of “Trumanitarian” podcast with Joël Glasman - 11.11.2020

Humanitarians say that they will base their interventions on needs. But how do you define needs? And how do standards and methodologies influence the way we think about humanitarian action? These are some of the issues our Principal Investigator Joël Glasman and Lars Peter Nissen unpack in this episode of the "Trumanitarian" podcast.  …more

Unruly waves of rivalry in Western Indian Ocean - 10.11.2020

The region has the potential to become the new hotbed of a power struggle between the world’s two most populous nations. From our colleague Prof. Aparajita Biswas, President, African Studies Association of India, Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai. ...more

 Ulf Vierke: ‘Nigeria is an inspiration for the global art movement’ – 23.11.2020

In this article in the Nigerian “The Guardian” newspaper Iwalewahaus director Ulf Vierke talks about the how Iwalewahaus complements the Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding (CBCIU) in Osogbo, Nigeria and summarizes why an investment in arts and culture is always worth it. …more

Ghosts, Spectres, Revenants: Hauntology as a Means to Think and Feel Future   - 03.11.2020

A review on a publication, edited by our Cluster members Katharina Fink, Marie-Anne Kohl and Nadine Siegert, with contributions by Ute Fendler, Ingrid LaFleur and others. ...more

Susan Arndt: "Die Nachricht ist: Sexismus gibt es"  -  27.10.2020

Die Kulturwissenschaftlerin Susan Arndt hat Sexismus erforscht und ist sich sicher: Es geht dabei vor allem um die Überlegenheit des heterosexuellen Mannes. ...more

Aus der Komfortzone zu neuen Perspektiven - 10.10.2020

Forschung über Afrika nur mit Afrika:
Der Islamwissenschaftler Rüdiger Seesemann über Bayreuther Afrikaforschung im Team, digitales Arbeiten und die Frage nach dem „Wie “ in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit ...mehr

‘Africapitalism’ and the limits of any variant of capitalism - 20.07.2020

In a contribution to ROAPE’s debate on capitalism in Africa, Stefan Ouma provides a critical account of Africapitalism as well as an assessment of the future/s it imagines, what it silences and its potential to transform African economies. ...more

Kulturwissenschaftlerin: “Wir werden nicht sprachlos, nur weil wir rassistische Begriffe aufgeben” - 14.07.2020

Die deutsche Sprache ist sehr rassistisch geprägt. Grund dafür ist die Erfindung von “Rassen”, an der auch deutsche Theoretiker, Theologen und Philosophen aktiv mitgewirkt haben. ...mehr

Schwarz ist nicht gleich Schwarz - 03.07.2020

Es ist eine Debatte, die seit Jahrzehnten geführt wird - jetzt entfaltet sie eine neue Wucht, durch die Black Lives Matter Bewegung und die Proteste gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt: Die Frage, ob das B im Wort Black großgeschrieben werden soll - und zwar dann, wenn damit Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft gemeint sind. ...more

Podcast: Die große Anfrage - 02.07.2020

Hier finden Sie die aktuelle Folge des Podcasts „Die große Anfrage“. Mindestens einmal im Monat trifft der Politiker Sebastian Striegel eine interessante Persönlichkeit aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Kultur oder Sport, um sich mit ihr über gegenwärtige und zukünftige Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft auszutauschen. ...more

WRINT: Weißsein (mit Susan Arndt) - 02.07.2020

“Hautfarbe ist ein erlerntes Sehen”, sagt Susan Arndt. Sie ist Professorin für englische und afrikanische Literaturen an der Universität Bayreuth und betreibt dort unter anderem kritische Weißseinsforschung. ...more

Der Mohr im Wappen und im Namen: Rassismus oder Tradition? - 26.06.2020

Kann eine "Mohrenstraße" weiterhin so heißen? Ist der Mohr im Wappen der Stadt Coburg noch angemessen? ...more

The Lack of Self-Awareness - 20.06.2020

On June 10, 2020, hundreds of people convened for a demonstration on the Bayreuth market square. The square, which had just revived from COVID-19 lockdown measures, was shrouded in silence to mourn aloud: Black Lives Matter. Black lives count. Why does this statement need to be emphasized? The history of racism speaks a different language. ...more

"Fehlende Selbsterkenntnis" - 20.06.2020

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann, Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma, Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm and Dr. Christine Vogt-William issued a statement in the Bayreuth newspaper Nordbayerischer Kurier concerning racism in Germany and the region (in German) ... more

Aderemi Adegbite: "We do not bother on/about who did not come" - 18.06.2020

I was the market boy for my mum's food business for several years. In the evenings, after the day’s sales, I would be given money for food items from the open-space grocery stores. Considering my age, one would think that as a boy, with two younger sisters, I had no business being at the market. I knew it too. Rather, I share your opinion as a Yoruba boy. ...more

Taofik Olasunkanmi Adesanmi: “The Cluster offers me a formidably promising platform for connection and interpersonal relationship" - 18.06.2020

When he arrived in Bayreuth the campus was bustling with energy but then everything changed. As his fellowship at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is coming to an end we sat down with Dr. Taofik Olasunkanmi Adesanmi talking with him about his academic journey leading up to the fellowship and what is next in line for him. ...more

"Wenn die Blacklist zur Blocklist wird" - 16.06.2020

After George Floyd's death, the Black Lives Matter movement put pressure on Silicon Valley tech companies, right down to the program code. ...more

#BlackLivesMatter – Warum Rassismus kein rein amerikanisches Problem ist - 09.06.2020

A blog post by our Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt talks about why racism is not an American problem alone. In Germany, racism can also be found everywhere you look. ... more

Iris Clemens: "Learning in virtual environments as a pedagogical and social challenge" - 28.05.2020

On the first day of the "digital semester", there were 38,000 hits on the online offerings of the University of Bayreuth. In the meantime, things have settled down. However, digital teaching will not be equally well received everywhere, as Prof. Dr. Iris Clemens, Principal Investigator at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, shared in a recent interview with the University's press and marketing department. ... more

Taibat Lawanson: "What is COVID-19 teaching us about food vulnerability and ‘People as Infrastructure’?" - 25.05.2020

Due to its topography and extensive built up area, Lagos has typically relied on food supplies from other parts of Nigeria and beyond. With a significant urban poor population, livelihoods are often based on a daily wage , and it is common for people to purchase food similarly, a situation of large-scale food vulnerability.So how does this play out when the city shuts down to protect itself in a pandemic? ...more

Léwòz a kowona-la - Corona song by Max Diakok - 25.05.2020

Max Diakok is a choreographer and dancer from Guadeloupe. The artist uses a traditional format, the lewoz, to draw the attention to the crisis in a dialogic way. ... more

Taibat Lawanson: "COVID 19 can be an opportunity for Urban Planning in Nigeria" - 21.05.2020

Since Nigeria experienced her index case of Corona virus in February 2020, things have rapidly changed across the country. The global pandemic has exposed extensive vulnerabilities, especially in local public health and urban planning. The pandemic thus provides an opportunity for us to review and consider what can be done to strengthen both systems going forward. ...more

“Corona Phobia” in Benin: Between Research, Social Dynamic and Sanitary Challenge - 20.05.2020

When the corona crisis swept over the world, it directly affected many a Cluster project. Two of which planned to host a workshop in Benin. Issifou Abou Moumouni recounts the days when the borders started to close down in the middle of March in West Africa and talks about the current situation in Benin. ...more

Statement on Achille Mbembe and the Debate over Anti-Semitism - 14.05.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth seeks to work toward the reconfiguration of African Studies. This agenda requires us to take a position in the current debate about Achille Mbembe, a leading intellectual on the African continent. The recent demand by some public officials in Germany to withdraw the invitation to Mbembe to hold a keynote at the Ruhrtriennale festival in August 2020 on account of purportedly anti-Semitic statements sparked off a public discussion that has partly overshot the mark. ...more

Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber demands more female voices in political consulting - 13.05.2020

Politics mainly listens to male advice - that is what Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, Vice-Dean of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, has determined. This has to do with the fact that currently men are becoming more productive, and that women are being hindered particularly by an increased burden of care tasks. However, in her opinion, it is especially important for women in times of crisis not to fall silent in the strictures of care work. ... more

Stephen Muthoka Mutie: "Together Apart: Kenya’s New Normal during Covid-19 Pandemic" - 10.05.2020

Dr. Stephen Mutie is a Gender/Sexualities Studies Lecturer at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya, and was  a visiting fellow at the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies til the end of March 2020. Back in Nairobi, he is experiencing the effects of the corona pandemic and writes about it in this article. ... more

Article in "Frankfurter Rundschau" - "Genesene Menschen als Ressource?" - 01.05.2020

In their article in the German "FR" the Cluster's PIs Prof. Dr. Uli Beisel, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma and Prof. Dr. Joël Glasman discuss the risks of the government's plans to issue Corona immunity passports, bestowing their owners with certain privileges and putting others at a disadvantage. ... more

Mozambican artist Nuno Silas: "My ideas explore the timeless and different problems of the human condition" - 24.04.2020

Like many others, Mozambican artist Nuno Silas was surprised by the pandemic. In this interview, Silas, currently attending the University of Bayreuth, explains where the inspiration for his creative process came from and how he is coping with the current situation. ...more

(Photo by Neil Thomas/Corbis via Getty Images)

Hassan Juma Ndzovu: "Women’s stories of breaking the mould as Muslim preachers in Kenya" - 23.04.2020

Ramadan is a period during which Muslims across the world are deeply immersed in worship and are particularly attuned to exhortations by religious scholars. In Kenya, Islamic public sermonising has traditionally been the domain of male clerics. ...more

Susan Arndt: "Privilegien in Corona-Krise: Das Ende der Überlegenheitsarie" - 21.04.2020

Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt, Principal Investigator with the Cluster of Excellence and Professor at the Faculty of Languages and Literatures of the University of Bayreuth published an article in the German newspaper taz. In it, Arndt talks about white privilege in dealing with the Corona pandemic. ... more

Nigerian artist Aderemi Adegbite (Lagos): "Imagine The Scenery" - 21.04.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has asked African artists how the current situation is affecting their work and wanted to know about the impact on their respective creative process. In this essay, Nigerian multimedia artist Aderemi Adegbite is contemplating the unique situation from his point of view. ... more

Uli Beisel: “Society must learn to live with coronavirus.” - 06.04.2020

Protective measures, vaccinations, but above all a robust health system have enabled coexistence with SARS-CoV-2, says Prof. Dr. Uli Beisel, drawing on her research on malaria and Ebola epidemics. Beisel is a social anthropologist and member of the “Africa Multiple” cluster of excellence at the University of Bayreuth, where she teaches “Culture & Technology in Africa”. ...more

Andrea Behrends: "Africa-researcher on the current handling of the corona-virus pandemic on the continent" - 03.04.2020

Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends is Professor for Anthropology in Africa and is member of the "Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth. Her research looks at the management of so-called crisis situations in African contexts. She focuses on mobility, flight, conflict, and intervention. In an interview – recently having returned from Senegal – she reports on aspects of the coronavirus crisis there. ... more

David Stadelmann: "Certified Corona-Immunity as a resource and a way back to normality" - 01.04.2020

In an article with the Observer Research Foundation, the Cluster's PI Prof. Dr. Stadelmann postulates that Corona immunity could be a vital resource for managing the crisis' implications. ... more 

Taibat Lawanson: "Lagos size and slums will make stopping the spread of COVID-19 a tough task" - 01.04.2020

Taibat Lawanson, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, at the University of Lagos - one of our African Cluster Centres - has published an article on the difficulties of containing the Corona virus in a city like Lagos.  However, the lecturer at the department of Urban and Regional Planning also sees the crisis as an opportunity for the city's development. ... more

David Stadelmann: "Der Weg zurück in die Normalität" - 24.03.2020

In this article published in German with "Telepolis" Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann, Prof. Dr. 

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