Team > Prof. Catherine Kiprop

Prof. Catherine Kiprop holds a PhD in Educational Management and Leadership from the Nelson Mandela University, South Africa; A Master of Education in the same field from Egerton University and B.ED (Arts) degree from Moi University. Prior to joining Academia, she was employed by the Teachers’ Service Commission in Kenya where she taught in various secondary schools in Kenya. She was employed in Moi university in 2008 as a lecturer in the department of Educational Management and Policy Studies in the School of Education where she rose through the ranks to the current position of Associate Professor of Educational Management and Leadership. Catherine has served in the department in various capacities including: Postgraduate coordinator, member of the Graduate Studies Committee and Member of the Academic Committee besides teaching, research and supervising postgraduate students. At the school level, she served as a campus coordinator, teaching practice coordinator, member of curriculum review committee, member of the School of Education Journal (The Educator), Member of the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Evaluation Committee.
She currently serves as the Director, Institute of Gender, Diversity and Peace Studies (IGDPS), Moi university. She is a member of the African Multiple Cluster Centre of Excellence Board and the Gender and Diversity Officer in the Moi-ACC. She is the Principal Investigator of a NIH/FIC supplement grant project entitled “Moi University/Brown University Collaboration to Advance Institutional Capacity to Address Sexual Misconduct and Harassment.” She served as the Gender Specialist for CAWESDEA (Building Capacity in Water Engineering for Addressing Sustainable Development Goals in East Africa) Project funded by IDRC. She was also part of the project team on Young Women in Leadership themed: ‘Amplifying Women’s Voices and Agency in Kenya’s Public and Civil Discourse’ funded by the American Embassy. She is also a member of the graduate faculty for the East and South African Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA) project funded by DAAD. She participates in community engagements and sits in Boards of Management of various Secondary schools in Kenya.
Catherine has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and her areas of interests in research include: Strategic management in education, School discipline, gender and leadership
Selected Publications
- Influence of Institutional Culture on Strategic Planning Implementation in Secondary Schools. International Journal of Science Academic Research 03, Issue 02, pp.3465-3470, February, 2022 Available online at
- Soi D.,Ochola J., and Kiprop, C. (2017). The Relationship between Female Teachers' Self-efficacy and their Aspiration for Leadership Positions in Public Primary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya. Scholars Bulletin, Vol-3, Iss-10;
- Soi, D., Ochola J., Kiprop, C. (2017). The Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Female Teachers Leadership Aspirations in Primary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(8A), 805-815.
- Editor of a book together with other African Scholars titled: “School Leadership, Management, Policy and Governance-An African Perspective”.

Prof. Catherine Kiprop
ACC GDO, Eldoret
Moi University