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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler  

Chair of Romance and Comparative Literature
Deputy Spokesperson of the Cluster “Africa Multiple”
Vice Dean of Internationalisation and Public Engagement
Member of the Research Section “Arts & Aesthetics“
Office: GW1, Room 0.07
Phone: +49 921 - 55 3561
E-Mail: ute.fendler@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Doris Löhr

Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 1.24, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49  921 55-6922
E-Mail: doris.loehr@uni-bayreuth.de

Sabine Greiner

Academic Journalist
Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 1.24, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49  921 55-6940
E-Mail: sabine.greiner@uni-bayreuth.de

Renate Crowe

Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 1.23, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49  921 55-6934
E-Mail: africamultiple-international@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Dr. Doris Löhr-Broß

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