Team > Dr. Sawadogo/Compaore, Eveline M.F.W

Dr. Sawadogo/Compaoré Eveline M.F.W. joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) of Burkina Faso at the Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA) in 2015. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy (specialty: Science, Technology and Innovations Studies) from the University of Nottingham in the UK. She is in charge of the Socio-Economy Unit. Her research topics include agricultural innovation systems, approaches to the diffusion of innovations in agriculture and the environment, innovations and social inequalities, innovation gender and leadership, public policy, food systems policies, climate change, gender and diversity, and social management of natural resources and production systems. Since 2016, she has been a member of the national working group on technological needs assessment for adaptation in the agriculture and forestry sectors to climate change in Burkina Faso. She is teaching modules at Joseph Ki Zerbo University on innovation and sustainable development, and research actions. Since 2021 Eveline is responsible for Gender and Diversity at the African Cluster Centres (ACC) of the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University. Eveline is the author of more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications and policy briefs. She is involved in several research and development projects in the agricultural field (climate change, agroecology, environmental and social protection, gender, value chain etc. founded by the EU and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany). Eveline is a laureate of the African Women for Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) award and the best performance in conducting agricultural research for development in 2018.
Selected publications
- Sawadogo/Compaore Eveline M. F. W Science, Technology and Development: Questioning the Technological Innovation through Biotechnology Cotton in Burkina Faso, SCIREA Journal of Sociology, Volume6, issue 4 p 179-198,
- Sawadogo/Compaore Eveline Marie Fulbert Windinmi, Compaore Gueswende Onstantin, Yila Jummai. Seed System Governance and Its Impact on Sorghum and Cowpea Sectors in Burkina Faso. Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 3, 2022, pp. 178-185.doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20221003.20
- Sawadogo/Compaoré Eveline MFW, Yila Jumai, Nofou Ouédraogo (2022) Developing the Millet and Sorghum Value Chain from Gendered Trait Preference study in Burkina Faso, International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 61, No1, pp 342-354
- Bernard SAWADOGO, S. NANKONE1,*, M. Bertin ZAGRE2, E. SAWADOGO COMPAORE2, Philippe SANKARA3 and K. Marie-Laure guisso (2021) agro-morphological characterization for leaf-spot resistance of some local peanut ecotypes arachis hypogaea l. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 08, Issue 12, pp. 7333-7339, December, 2021
- Bezaiet Dessalegn, Boundia Alexandre Thiombiano, Eveline Sawadogo-Compaore, (2021) Beyond Gender: Understanding the role of intersectionality on the production, marketing ; and consumption of cowpea in Burkina Faso. ICARDA,
- Eveline Marie Fulbert Windinmi Sawadogo/Compaoré (2021) L’aménagement de la rive gauche du fleuve Nakambé au Burkina Faso : analyse d’un processus d’innovation, © L’Harmattan, 2021 5-7, rue de l’École polytechnique, 75005 Paris ISBN : 978-2-343-22360-5 EAN : 9782343223605
- Shiratori, Sakiko, Eveline M.F.W.Sawadogo/Compaore, and Hsiaoping Chien (2020). Variation of cowpea production and usage in rural households: a comparison between Northern and Southern Burkina Faso, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 54(3), 2020.
- R Bernard Sawadogo, K Marie-Laure Guissou S.Nakone, E. M.W. Sawadogo Compaore M B Zagre (2020) Prospecting and collecting local groundnut ecotypes in three regions of Burkina Faso, 44 (1) 7591-7608,
- Sawadogo Compaore Eveline MFW, Sawadogo N. (2020), Le Système d’Innovation National appliqué à l’agriculture : une proposition méthodologique de diagnostic en Afrique , Open Science, 20 (5), DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0511
- R Bernard Sawadogo, K Marie-Laure Guissou S.Nakone, E. M.W. Sawadogo Compaore M B Zagre (2020) Prospecting and collecting local groundnut ecotypes in three regions of Burkina Faso, 44 (1) 7591-7608,
- Sawadogo/Compaore MFW E. Temple L. Ouedraogo S. Zongo a. Soulama S. (2020) Renouveler le Secteur Semencier au Burkina Faso pour le Developpement Inclusif, Policy Brief, CIRAD, DP ISA,
- Sawadogo Compaore E. (2020) A l’Ecole du Locale, in Science et Société, Alimentation, Monde Agricole et environnement, Revue Sesame, (7),
- Temple L., Compaore Sawadogo EMF., (2018). Innovation Processes in Agro-Ecological Transitions in the Developing Countries, Collection ISTE, Série Innovation in Engineering and Technology 1900 p - ISBN : 9781786302724
- Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W and Sawadogo N (2018) Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems in Burkina Faso: What’s New with CDAIS Project? In Innovation and Interdisciplinary Solution for underserved area ‘International Conference, InterSol 2017, Proceedings’, Springer International Publishing ISBN: 978-3-319-72965-7, pp 150-155
- Sawadogo N. and Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W (2018) Theorising Africa’s Development Problem, in Olanyinka A. and Adesina J. O., The Development of Africa: Issues, Diagnoses and Prognoses, Springer International Publishing; p55-6
- Traore Ramatou et Sawadogo/Compaore Eveline M.F.W. (2017) Femmes Et Gestion Communautaire De L’eau Au Burkina Faso: Enjeux Et Perspectives, Impact Factor 3.582 Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305-509X) – Volume 6, Issue 1
- Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W (2016) Monsters in agriculture: Moral controversy around Genetically Modified cotton in Burkina Faso, in Kouadio Germain N’GUESSAN (ed) Writing abnormality/Écriture de l’anormalité, a collective book, Pressse Universitaire de Lome, Chap 4, p 40-50
- Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W (2016) More Pieces Within the Peaces: Rethinking the Financial Systems for Agricultural Innovation in Burkina Faso, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute Innovation Conference (ICGhana 2016) Theme: “Development Innovation – Putting the Pieces Together”. Date: 27th-28th Sept. 2016; Venue: La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra
- Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W (2017) Le Cotton Biotechnologique au Burkina Faso : Trajectoire d’une Innovation dans un Contexte de Développement, numéro spécial de technologie innovation sur l’innovation agro-écologique et de développement, ‘Innovation Agro-Ecologiques et Developpement’ (2) 27-37, London, UK –
- Sawadogo/Compaore E. M.F.W (2016) Transition Politique et Accumulation Capitaliste : Le Cas du Commerce du Coton au Burkina Faso Post Révolutionnaire, in Sanon F et Sissao A. J., Développement Endogène de l’Afrique et Mondialisation : Une Relecture de la Pensée du Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerb, PUO : Fondation Joseph Ki-Zerbo, p705-728
- Compaore M.F.W E. (2010-2015). The Role of the National Innovation Systems Framework Facilitating in Socio-Economic Development in Burkina Faso: Model and Policy Practice, PhD thesis, University of Nottingham
- Omobowale, A.O., Sawadogo, N., Sawadogo/Compaore, E.M.F.W. and UGBEM, C.E. 2013. ‘Globalization and Scholarly Publishing in West Africa. A comparative study of Burkina and Nigeria’, International Journal of Sociology 43 (1) 8-26
- Sawadogo/Compaore E.M.F.W, (2013) SIP13: Burkina Faso's biotech regulation owes much to civil society, ‘Science For the Public, University of Nottingham,
- Compaore E. M.F.W (2013), ‘Civil society, Innovation and Development: A case study of Bt cotton in Burkina Faso’, July 2013 conference on Science and the Public, Université de Nottingham, UK, conference proceedings
- Jacques Simpore1,2*, Eveline Compaore3, Joseph Sawadogo1 , Florencia Djigma1,2, Djeneba Ouermi1,2, Marina Martinetto1, Virginio Pietra1, Fernando Fabó4, Henk A. M. J. ten Have5, Alberto García4 (2011) ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention among HIV-Serodiscordant Couples in Burkina Faso: Biomedical Issues, Bioethical and Cultural Challenges’ World Journal of AIDS, 2011, 1, 185-191
- Compaore E. M.F.W (2009-2010) science, technology and development: case study of agricultural biotechnology in Burkina Faso, Institute for Science and Society, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (Registered as an MA by Research in Science, Technology and Society

Dr. Sawadogo/Compaore, Eveline M.F.W
ACC GDO, Ouagadougou
University Joseph KI-ZERBO
Burkina Faso.
Phone: +226 70777888