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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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“(With) These Hands”

Opening of Exhibition “(With) These Hands”

On February 25, 2025, the Iwalewahaus in Bayreuth inaugurated the compelling photo essay exhibition “(With) These Hands,” curated by South African researcher and artist Sabelo Mcinziba.  ... more

bigsas 200

BIGSAS at the University of Bayreuth Celebrates Its 200th Alumni

The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS) at the University of Bayreuth proudly celebrates a significant milestone with the graduation of its 200th alumni. On Thursday, 6 February 2025, Eleanor Schaumann  ... more

visit to moi

Beyond the Digital Return Team Meeting & Participation in the Workshop of the Africa Multiple ACC Moi University “Traditional Music/Musical Traditions: Past(ness) in African Music Today”

From 8th to 13th of August 2024 our research team met in Kenya for the 2024 team meeting hosted by our Kenyan project director Prof. Tom Mboya and the Kenyan team members,  ... more

report of reconfiguring African studies

Report of the Conference on "Reconfiguring African Studies in the North-South, South-South Partnership: What Prospects?"

From 20 to 22 November 2024, the University of Parakou hosted an international colloquium on the theme of ‘Reconfiguring African studies in North-South and South-South partnerships: what prospects?   ... more

report of reconfiguring African studies

Rapport du Colloque sur le Theme "Reconfigurer les Etudes Africaines Dans le Partenariat Nord-Sud, Sud-Sud: Quelles Perspectives?”

Du 20 au 22 novembre 2024, s’est tenu à l’Université de Parakou, le colloque international sur le thème « Reconfigurer les études africaines dans le partenariat Nord-Sud et Sud-Sud : quelles  ... more

WissKI@UBT: Supporting Research Data Management in the Cluster of Excellence

The team of the Digital Research Environment (DRE) of the Cluster of Excellence has begun collecting and integrating research data from all the Cluster's research projects into WissKi@UBT.  ... more

Celebrating African Narratives: The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence's Cinema Africa Screenings

For the 2024/25 edition of Cinema Africa there were a few new modalities. For the first time the festival was stretched out over the course of a few months showcasing the impressive number of eight African films. ... more

The Cluster of Excellence represented at high-level networking event in Brussels

In December 2024, a delegation of representatives of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth went to Brussels for a networking event that aimed to strengthen international collaboration in research and innovation. ... more

Fresh approaches to the study of Islam in Africa and new perspectives on African-Asian relations: Insights from the conference of the African Studies Association

Several members of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence attended the annual conference of the African Studies Association held in Chicago from 11–14 December 2024 and contributed to themes in African Studies that have recently risen to prominence. ... more

Thandeka Mfinyongo: Championing Indigenous African Music at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence

The latest artist fellow to arrive at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is Thandeka Mfinyongo, an outstanding musician and scholar specialized in preserving and promoting indigenous African music. ... more

Research Prize for Professor of African History

Prof Dr Joël Glasman receives the Research Prize of the Foundation of the French Red Cross. The prize donors are honouring his work on humanitarian aid within the Institute of African Studies (IAS) and the ‘Africa Multiple’ Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth.
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Renewal proposal of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth presented to the DFG

The process of applying for the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence was completed by a presentation by a Cluster delegation in front of a review panel of the DFG in Bonn. ... more

The BIGSAS Journalist Award goes to Birte Mensing, Ruoana Meyer and Bettina Rühl

On November 7, 2024, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth awarded the prestigious "BIGSAS Journalist Award" for the sixth time, honoring outstanding journalistic contributions to differentiated reporting on Africa in German-language print media. The 2024 award recipients are Birte Mensing, Ruona Meyer, and Bettina Ruehl. ... more

NAB 2023 is out!

The latest issue of NAB - number XXII/2023 is hot off the press! In it, you can find out all about the 2023 events and projects of the Institute of African Studies and the Cluster of Excellence. -The online version is available on our website ... more

VAD Conference 2024: Reconfigurations in Africa – and in African Studies

The 30th VAD Conference, titled "Reconfigurations in Africa – and in African Studies," took place at the University of Bayreuth from September 30 to October 2, 2024. The biennial conference of the Association for African Studies in Germany (VAD), was organized by the Institute of African Studies and the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth, and supported by NomadIT. ... more

Dr. Valerie Nur talks about Tuareg artisans in Niger

Dr. Valerie Nur received a doctorate degree from BIGSAS in 2022 and joined the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellece again 2023 as a fellow of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies. In her thesis and during her fellowship she scrutinized artisanal knowledge/skill from a mobile perspective invesitgating the Tuareg artisans in Niger. In this interview, she gives insight into details of her research. ... more

"You cannot simply reduce Africa to a colonised continent": A Conversation with Prof. em. Dr. Gerd Spittler

In this conversation that took place on 23 November 2023 Prof. em. Dr. Gerd Spittler and Dr. Serawit Debele exchange their thoughts on the history of African Studies in Germany and the professor’s roles in its development particularly in Bayreuth, now one of the largest African Studies Centers in Europe advancing the agenda of reconfiguring African Studies. ... more

Umar Timol joins the Cluster as Chronicler in May

In the month of May, Mauritian poet and phographer Umar Timol will accompany the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence's activities and sharing his reactions, observations and views on various platforms of the Cluster. During his stay, he will also be featured in a number of Cluster events so keep your eyes open for those as well! ... more

DRE workshop in Kenya

A diverse group of researchers, experts and DRE curators came together in Nairobi, Kenya, in the second week of April for a three-day workshop to jointly draft the DRE proposal for the next Cluster phase. ...more

Call for submissions  Africa: Transitions

For the fourth time, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is issuing a call for images. The images will become part of the annual Cluster calendar 2025. Deadline for submissions for this year's topic "Africa: Transitions" is Tuesday, 30th April 2024. ... more

Six Days – Eight African films

January 2024 will mark an anniversary: For the 15th time the renowned film festival Cinema Africa invites film and Africa aficionados alike to embark on a cinematic trip through African narratives. The anniversary comprises the actual film festival “Cinema Africa” at Bayreuth’s Cineplex as well as three more subsequent screenings at Bayreuth’s Kulturhaus Neuneinhalb. ...more

Cluster Calendar and its submissions

It has become somewhat of a beloved tradition: each year the Cluster of Excellence sends out the annual Cluster Calendar serving as the Cluster’s holiday greeting. While the years before the Cluster has asked for only photographs in the context of its annual theme, in 2023 the call for contributions explicitely encouraged all kind of artists to submit their artworks. ...more

The 2023/24 cohort of Cluster Fellows has arrived in Bayreuth

So far eight of the 17 scholars making up the fifth cohort of the Cluster Fellows at the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies have arrived in Bayreuth to take up their work ...more

Thokozani Mhlambi: An Archive of Feelings

The visual essay “An Archive of Feelings” by Dr. Thokozani Mahlambi that was created during his artist residency has been published on YouTube. ...more

The inaugural Moi University International Conference on African Studies

On the 23rd and 24th of November 2023 the Moi University African Cluster Centre of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence hosted the inaugural Moi University International Conference on African Studies. ...more

"Spatialities" conference shows wide range of Cluster research

From 11 to 14 October 2023, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth hosted a conference on the theme of “Reconfiguring African Studies through Spatialities”. Over 500 participants had registered to follow the three keynotes and 34 panels either online or in person at the FAN B building on the campus of the University of Bayreuth.
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Call for Images - Africa: Visions and Time

Once again, the Cluster of Excellence has published a new call for images! This year, the Cluster explicitly asks artists to send in their artwork (photographs or photographic representations of artwork such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, mixed media, installations etc. ) for the theme "Africa: Visions and Time". The call runs from 5th to 31st August 2023.
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Tribute to Prof. Mĩcere Gĩthae Mũgo

It is with great sadness that the Gender and Diversity Office of the Africa Multiple Cluster announces the passing of Prof. Mĩcere Gĩthae Mũgo on the evening of Friday 30 June 2023 in Syracuse, New York after a long illness. Prof. Mũgo - Mwalimu Mĩcere, as she was known to many - transitioned at the end of a full life at the age of 80 ...more

Swahili Colloquium 2023: Mashujaa! ReCONFIGuring Swahili Studies

From the 19th-21st of May, 2023, The University of Bayreuth held the 35th edition of the Swahili Colloquium at Iwalewehaus in a hybrid format for the first time ever. The Colloquium is a well-established forum hosted annually at Bayreuth University, which brings together a large international community of scholars and researchers from different disciplines. ...more

Raharimanana's works illuminate Bayreuth's city center

Photographs by Jean Luc Raharimanana, who has been invited by the Cluster to be in Bayreuth in May 2023 as a cluster chronicler, will decorate the windows of the Iwalewahaus in the coming weeks. ...more

Cluster Chronicles with Jean Luc Raharimanana

In the month of May, Jean Luc Raharimanana from Madagascar will accompany the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence's activities and sharing his reactions, observations and views on various platforms of the Cluster. Stay tuned for his insights here and on the Social Media accounts of the Cluster! ...more

Heritage Workshop - Bayreuth (18-19 January 2023)

The Junior Research Group „African Knowledges and the History Publication since the 1970s” led by Dr. Cassandra Mark-Thiesen organized a workshop on “African (Digital) Heritage”. The two-day event took place from 18 to 19 January 2023 and was held at Iwalewahaus in Bayreuth....more

Statement on the dismissal of Mohamedou Ould Slahi as curator of the African Book Festival - 23.03.2023

On 14 March 2023, the African Book Festival rescinded the invitation to Mohamedou Ould Slahi to curate this year’s festival. In response, thirty African studies scholars have issued a statement (in German) criticizing this decision. An English version is available online, with the option of joining the group of signatories: ...more

Conference Report: International Conference on AFRICA’S MOBILITY STRUGGLES

From 22nd and 23rd February 2023, the international conference on Africa’s Mobility struggles entitled “Infrastructuring (Im)mobilities: Technologies of restraint and fluidity in Africa’s mobility struggles” took place at ACC Moi University, in Eldoret, Kenya. It was organised by Dr. Paddy Kinyera and Dr. Jochen Lingelbach ...more

Prof. Alber awarded research grant

One of the cluster’s principal investigators, Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber (Vice Dean of Research between 2019-2022), has been awarded a research grant of four months at the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) at the University of Ghana in Accra ...more

The pre-death bequest of Gerd Spittler

Emeritus Professor Dr. Gerd Spittler is a member of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence and runs a project entitled: "The Pre-Death Bequest of Gerd Spittler". This pioneering project is dedicated to processing research material collected by the Professor of Ethnology from 1967 onwards.The material comprises audio material in Hausa and Tamaschek and more than 6,000 photos taken between 1967 and 2006 in Niger and Nigeria. In this interview, Prof. Spittler talks about the details of his project and his motivation to tackle this enormous task ...more

Workshop report from the JRG Intersectionality research team

The workshop was organised by the Junior Research Group led by Dr. Serawit Debele and was held from October 17th to 19th, 2022. The event served as a venue of interaction for activists and academics from around the continent and the Diaspora ...more

Interview with fellow Dr. Anthony Okeregbe

Two incidents motivated to attempt this research. The first is the submission of Sharon Slater, a former worker at the United Nations, during a workshop on Rights and Human Dignity organized by the Institute of Humanities, Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria. ...more


Interview with Prof. Dr. Dhruv Raina

I came to research the field of history of higher education from the history and philosophy of science and the debates and questions that animated the latter field in the 1980s and 1990s  continued to inspire my work and I brought them into some new areas that I decided to research. ...more


In Conversation with Filmmaker Ines Johnson-Spain

In October 2022, the Africa Mulitple Cluster of Excellence invited filmmaker Ines Johnson-Spain to show her film "Becoming Black" for a group of young students. The discussion that ensued was both interesting and enlightening with the students asking questions about the process of making a movie to societal questions about racism. ....more

Report on the visit of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Somalia

On 14 October 2022, the Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth in close cooperation with the Institute of African Studies and the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence welcomed the official delegation of the Federal Republic of Somalia.  ...more

“A Source of Hope” - Cluster Project Works on Proposed Solutions in the Fight against Human Rights Violations in Africa

The Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Thoko Kaime, is currently working on a project entitled "When the Law is not Enough: Intractable Problems of Human Rights in Africa". Funded by the Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple the inter-institutional and interdisciplinary project investigates  ...more

In memoriam Ijeoma Loren Uche-Okeke

The team of Iwalewahaus - students, staff, friends, all of us - mourns the loss of the indomitable Ijeoma Uche-Okeke who passed on, on September 1st, 2022, in Johannesburg. ...more

Minister of State Claudia Roth visited the Cluster of Excellence - 2022

On Monday, 25.07.2022, the Minister of State for Culture and Media, MdB Claudia Roth, paid a visit to the Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple of the University of Bayreuth at Iwalewahaus. ...more

Call for photographic contributions - 2022

After a successful call in 2021 the Cluster invites amateur and professional photographers again to send in their photographic contributions containing their interpretations of “African Spaces” ...more

Multimedia installation "To Be King" by Christine Dixie at Iwalewahaus - 01.06.2022

Christine Dixie's installation "To Be King" was officially opened on May 11, 2022 at Iwalewahaus Bayreuth. Curated by Nicole Klug and Prof. Ute Fendler the exhibition had been initiatied by Prof. Enocent Msindo. The artist was present for the opening that attracted many guests from all over the world as well as local officials. ...more

​​Cluster Project “Travelling Knowledge” in Athens - 15.06.2022

The Cluster's project "Travelling Knowledge and Trans*textuality" was presented to the public at the end of May 2022 during the International Conference on Literature in Athens, Greece. ... more 

Workshop report: "The Education Alibi in Africa" - 14.06.2022

On 25-27 April 2022 Cluster member Erdmute Alber co-convened with Elizabeth Cooper (Simon Fraser University, Canada) and Wandia Njoya (Daystar University, Kenya) a workshop involving fourteen paper presenters, coming from Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Benin, Germany, Canada, the United States, England, and Italy.  ...more

Acknowledgement for the contributions to the round table "Decolonial Feminisms" - 25.05.2022

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone for being a part of the community of learning and exchange with the feminist pioneers, Dr. Fatou Sow, Prof. Ousseina Alidou, Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo and Prof. Françoise Vergès. ...more

Bembé do Mercado in Laís Lima's Documentary Cinema (Bahia, Brazil) - 20.05.2022

Filmmaker Laís Lima will be part of the panel "The Body as Medium: Negotiated Memories by African and Afro-Brazilian Women Artists" in the upcoming Cluster Conference on Medialities. She will talk about her documentary 
Yabás, in which she gives a voice to the women who participate and sustain the tradition of Bembé do Mercado. ... more

BIGSAS Honorary doctorate for the West African sociologist and women's rights activist Fatou Sow - 19.05.2022

She is a pioneer of gender studies in Africa and a feminist who has combined her scholarly work with decades of advocacy for women's rights in all areas of politics, society, economics, and religion. Senegalese sociologist and activist Dr. Fatou Sow was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Bayreuth on May 18, 2022. ...more

Bembé do Mercado – Celebrating the abolishment of slavery in Santo Amaro Brazil - 13.05.2022

In their panel at this year’s Cluster Conference in July 2022, Viviane de Freitas and Jonas do Nascimento will debate with artists from African and the African diaspora about expressing yourself, memories and traditions through the body. One of their examples are the celebratory dances that mark the anniversary of the abolishment of slavery in Brazil each year on the 13 of May. ... more

Week of workshops of the five Cluster Centres marks the Half-time at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence - 10.05.2022

From 9 to14 May 2022, 21 representatives of the four African Cluster Centres (ACC) of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will visit the University of Bayreuth to discuss the future direction and new opportunities for cooperation at the halfway point of the Cluster of Excellence's funding by the DFG - German Research Foundation. ...more

Conference Panel "The Body as Medium" – Interview with Viviane de Freitas and Jonas do Nascimento  09.05.2022

Viviane de Freitas and Jonas do Nascimento talk about the panel "The Body as Medium: Negotiated Memories by African and Afro-Brazilian Women Artists" that they will present at the upcoming Cluster Conference. It features a debate with African and Afro-Brazilian women artists through the prism of the body as medium and showing examples of their particular ways of expression. ...more

Workshop report: Value Chains and security apparatus: On the links between economic and security policy in international order  25.03.2022

On 24-25 February 2022 the Cluster’s Junior Research Group leader Dr. habil Kai Koddenbrock organized a workshop in collaboration with Dr. Sophia Hoffmann from the University of Erfurt. The keynote lecture was delivered by Benno Teschke, Professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex.   ...more

Workshop à Dakar - March 2022 

In the context of the research project « L’Atlantique noir revisité – sites africains et sud-américains classés au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO et « espaces occultés » de la mémoire performative », the workshop entitled « Mémoires multiples: liaisons, ruptures, oublis. Approches pluri- et interdisciplinaires à des constructions des mémoires trans-atlantiques » was co-organized with a group of colleagues at the UCAD. ...more

"The Cluster gives me international visibility for our research" 18.03.2022

Just as he was about to leave Bayreuth after his five-month stay, Babacar Mbaye Diop, Associate Professor in Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art and Culture at the Department of Philosophy of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, talked with us about his fellowship at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence and how his stay helped his research. 
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To be King – Christine Dixie 25.03.2022

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has invited South African artist Christine Dixie to show her multimedia installation To be King at Iwalewahaus. The artist based in Johannesburg will be present in Bayreuth to set up her installation and celebrate the exhibition opening on Wednesday, 11 May 2022. The exhibition will run until the end of July.   ...more

Professor Kenneth Kaunda Oluoch (1961-2022): An Obituary 10.03.2022

It is with great sadness that the African Cluster Centre at Moi University Eldoret announces the passing on of Professor Kenneth Kaunda Oluoch on March 2, 2022. Until his demise Professor Oluoch was the spokesperson and the Principal Investigator of the Research Section Affiliations at the ACC.  ... more

Statement on the war in Ukraine and the treatment of Africans trying to flee the country - 04.03.2022

Like countless people all over the world, the members of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence based at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) and African Cluster Centres are greatly shocked about the Russian war on Ukraine and the Russian government's disregard for the rights of everyone in the Ukraine to live in peace and security. ...more

Research Project and seminar series "The Changing African Idea of Africa and the Future of African Studies" - 01.02.2022

The Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South has put together a seminar series entitled "The Changing African Idea of Africa and the Future of African Studies". The series will start on April 24th and present a new renownded speaker each month.  ...more

 Public online panel discussion: “With the Help of God(s)? Religious Actors and Sustainable Development in Africa” - 01.02.2022

On 19 January 2022 the Cluster of Excellence in corporation with the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) held a public online discussion on the impact that faith-based organisations have on the sustainable development in Africa. ...more

Ways of Knowing Africa – the Cluster’s third New Year Lecture - 31.01.2022

For the third time, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence staged a New Year Lecture as the official kick-off for the Cluster’s events of the new year. On 13 January 2022, Peter Simatei Tirop, Professor of Comparative Literatur and Director of the African Cluster Centre at Moi University in Eldoret Kenya, delivered the lecture ...more

An Atlantic Adventure: Brazilian Film Series in Perspective - 24.01.2022

As part of its public engagement strategy the Cluster of Excellence created the event series "AfriKaleidoskop" in 2020 showing films on topics of the African diaspora. In 2021, the series was enriched by a number of screenings of movies originating in Brazil. Organised by former Cluster fellow Jonas do Nascimento the subseries invited five filmmakers to show and discuss their work. ...more

Lecture Musicale by Raharimanana - 17.12.2021

Musician and poet Jean-Luc Raharimanana from Madagascar visited Bayreuth in December to give a music lecture of a special kind. During "Witness-Islands and (en)Tangled Memories" Raharimanana played on his marovany and read extracts from his works. ... more

Online portal "Collections from colonial contexts" launched - 13.12.2021

The Cluster’s Digital Solutions team has been instrumental in sending the first submissions of Iwalewahaus to the online portal “Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten” (EN: Collections from Colonial Contexts) that was launched at the end of November by the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek – DDB (German Digital Library). ... more

School without Racism - A Step in the Right Direction - 04.12.2021

In coperation with the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, the Markgraf-Georg-Friedrich-Gymnasium in Kulmbach held a day on the topic of racism and exclusion at the local movie theater. During the event, the school received the award "School without Racism - school with courage" and showed the documentary "Becoming Black" by filmmaker Ines Johnson-Spain. ...more

The cloth that speaks – Leso workshop with Mshai Mwangola - 26.11.2021

On November 15 2021 Clarissa Vierke organised a workshop of a special kind: The interested public was invited to join in a a workshop held by Mshai Mwangola to learn about the leso – a fabric typical for the Eastern African region – and come up with individual designs. The workshop took place at Iwalewahaus. ... more

Cinema Africa 2021 – A tribute to the Indian Ocean - 01.2.2021

In November 2021, the Bayreuth film festival Cinema Africa took place for the 13th time. This year, all of the four films selected shared one common denominator: all were set against the diverse backdrop of the Indian Ocean. All four directors were present during the screening and answered questions from the audience in attendance afterwards ... more

Intermedial Indian Ocean: Creating relational worlds: film, photography and beyond - 29.11.2021

On Saturday, 13 November 2022, Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler and Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke invited the interested public to an exciting and eventful themed day dedicated to the Indian Ocean. Music, films, dance, photographs and poetry transported the audience to the regions hugging the shores on both sides of the Indian Ocean. ... more

Photo exhibition: Goa/Mozambique - Crossed Glances - 20.11.2021

In mid-November, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence invited Mozambican photographer Sérgio Santimano to bring his latest photo exhibition to Bayreuth. The presentation of images, titled "Goa/Mozambique – Crossed Glances," kicked off a series of events organized by the Cluster of Excellence on the theme of the Indian Ocean. ...more

Images "African Icons" selected - 12.12.2021

After issuing the open call for photographic contributions, the Cluster of Excellence received numerous submissions. Twelve images were carefully selected and are now part of the 2022 Cluster calendar tthat impressively shows the creativity and diversity of ideas of the call's entrants. ...more

Thoko Kaime: Inaugural Lecture and African Law Week - 04.12.2021

In mid-November Prof. Thoko Kaime delivered his inaugural lecture entitled "Legitimacy, Public International Law and Intractable Problems" as part of the African Law Week that the chair of African Legal Studies had organised. ...more

Narrating Relations: Abdulrazak Gurnah wins Nobel Prize for Literature - 02.12.2021

In this interview, Clarissa Vierke, Professor for African Literature at the University of Bayreuth and spokesperson of the Cluster's research section “Arts and Aesthetics”, comments on the recent recognition of Tanzanian writer Abdulrazak Gurnah with the Nobel Prize for Literature. ...more

The new cohort of Cluster fellows have arrived at University of Bayreuth - 08.11.2021

Along with the start of the new academic semester 2021/21 at the University of Bayreuth the Cluster of Excellence has welcomed the first international fellows of the latest cohort. Seven of the eleven invited fellows have already started their fellowships with durations ranging from ten weeks to ten months. ...more

DGSKA honours dissertation of social anthropologist Sabrina Maurus - 15.10.2021

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA – German Anthropology Association) has awarded Cluster member Sabrina Maurus with the “Dissertationspreis” – an award for the best dissertation in the field of sociocultural anthropology. It is the third award for Maurus’ dissertation. ...more

Cluster members part of newly founded Humboldt research hubs - 14.10.2021

The German Humboldt Foundation supports six new research hubs in Africa aiming to help cope with the current pandemic and to develop new strategies for future potential crises. One of the newly established hubs is located at the University of Zimbabwe and collaborates with two members of the Cluster of Excellence: Prof. Dr. Eunice Kamaara (Moi University) and Prof. Dr. Eva Spies (University of Bayreuth). ...more

The 2021 Cluster Conference in moving pictures - 12.10.2021

The second International Cluster conference took place from 14 to 17 July 2021. Focusing on the topic of “Modalities” it provided a platform for a wide range of perspectives and debates on the subject. The conference featured four keynotes, four roundtables, and nine panels that were attended by more than 750 registered participants. ...more

A journey to the Indian Ocean – Cinema Africa 2021 - 06.10.2021

In November 2021, the film festival “Cinema Africa” of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence invites the audience on a cinematic journey to the colourful world of the Indian Ocean. Over the course of four evenings, the movie festival presents stories that take place in La Réunion, Mauritius, South Africa and Tanzania ...more

Call for Photographic Contributions - 14.09.2021

From 15th September to 15th October 2021 the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is inviting all amateur and professional photographers to participate in a call for photographic contributions on the topic of "African Icons". ...more

Cluster Project “Travelling Knowledge” at World Congress - 25.08.2021

The Africa Multiple Cluster project “Travelling Knowledge and Trans*textuality” (RS Knowledges) has been presented prominently at the World Shakespeare Congress (WSC) in Singapore. This WSC, lasting from 19 to 23 July 2021, has turned out to be the largest and most inclusive Shakespeare Congress ever. ...more

Editorial Board of the Africa Multiple Book Series Now Constituted - 11.08.2021

In order to publish its new book series Africa Multiple: Studies of Africa and its Diasporas the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence in corporation with E.J. Brill Academic Publishers has invited seven scholars to become members of its editorial board. ... more

Cluster Conference "Africa*n Relations: Modalities Reflected" - 31.07.2021

The second International Cluster conference took place from 14 to 17 July 2021. Focusing on the topic of “Modalities” it provided a platform for a wide range of perspectives and debates on the subject. The conference featured four keynotes, four roundtables, and nine panels that were attended by more than 750 registered participants. ... more

Digital Workshop: Fielding the Field - 03.08.2021

The workshop Fielding the Field was organized by the Cluster’s Vice Dean of Research Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber, Prof. Dr. Iris Clemens (both University of Bayreuth) & Pamila Gupta (University of Witwatersrand). It was conducted online on 21 May, 2021. ... more

The University of Bayreuth awards BIGSAS Honorary Doctorate to Fatou Sow - 14.07.20221

During its International Conference held from 14th to 17th July 2021, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence announced that keynote speaker Professor Dr. Fatou Sow will receive the BIGSAS honorary doctorate from the University of Bayreuth. The Senegalese sociologist is recognized for her unwavering commitment to the cause of women and her outstanding scholarly achievements in feminist topics on the African continent. ... more

New lecture series in honour of late Okwui Enwezor premieres at Cluster Conference - 07.07.2021

In recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of African and Global Arts, the  Cluster of Excellence and Iwalewahaus at UBT decided to honour the late Nigerian art curator, historian and writer Okwui Enwezor by establishing an annual lecture carrying his name. The series' premiere will be held on 15.07.2021 by Prof. Dr. Chika Okeke-Agulu, during the International Cluster Conference “Africa*n Relations: Modalities Reflected”. ... more

Cluster publishes Africa Multiple connects 3: COVID-19 and (Im)mobilities in West Africa - 06.07.2021

The Working Paper Series of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple connects” has just published another edition to its series. The latest publication summarizes the findings of a study on COVID-19 and (im)mobilities in West Africa. ...more

Interview with Artist Fellow Btihal Remli: “Fellowship is an exciting opportunity” - 25.06.2021

Btihal Remli – the Cluster of Excellence’s artist fellow – has been staying in Bayreuth since February 2020 having to cope with the challenges imposed by COVID-19 restrictions. Now, at the end of her fellowship she enjoys the exchange facilitated by the lifting of the restrictions and organizes an event as final activity of her stay. ...more

Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence Announces New Book Series - 22.06.2021

In addition to the already existing working paper series, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is now launching a brand-new book series. The series entitled Africa Multiple: Studies of Africa and its Diasporas will be published in collaboration with E.J. Brill Academic Publishers in Leiden. ...more

UNESCO Conference: "Integrating the General History of Africa into School Curriculum"- 25.05.2021

This Conference will be organized from 25 to 26 May 2021, as a contribution to the Africa Week Celebration by UNESCO and the observance of the Africa Day (25 May). It is also inscribed as an event paving the way towards the Luanda Biennale for a Culture of Peace (4-8 October 2021) ...more

“All time is tea time”: The Prospects and Challenges of the Global Tea Industry - 17.05.2021

The establishment of the International Tea Day (ITD) on 21st May every year provides a welcome occasion to reflect on the origins, development, achievements and challenges of the tea industry. ...more

A Requiem to Allyship - 13.05.2011

To say we must abandon allyship is counterintuitive and outrageous a proposition. But that is what I suggest in this short piece, in favour of coalition that acknowledges the need for a more profound change. ...more

The DAAD Guest Professorship ‘African Economic History’ at the University of Bayreuth - 10.05.2021

From the summer semester 2021 until the end of the winter semester 2022/23, the DAAD guest professorship ‘African Economic History’ will be established at the Department of Economic and Social History at Bayreuth University. ...more

Workshop: “Multifaceted Relations: Africa-Asia” - 07.05.2021

Asia and Africa are two mega-spaces on earth which occupy almost 70% of the world population and cover about 30% of the earth’s total land area. Historically, these two continents have interacted in diverse ways, therefore, creating a new space for cultural creolisation. ...more

New Junior Research Group compares West African policies on monetary and financial dependencies - 29.04.2021

The Cluster’s latest Junior Research Group led by Dr. Kai Koddenbrock looks into the political dimension in the chain of monetary and financial dependencies in West Africa. The JRG will start from early July. ...more

Cluster develops Survey Tool for Interdisciplinary research - 28.04.2021

As a response to the challenges of the pandemic, the Digital Solutions team of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has developed a new digital tool catering to the needs of the Cluster members regarding their interdisciplinary data collection. ...more

AfriKaleidoskop: New round for the online film and discussion series - 26.04.2021

As part of last year’s established programme AfriKaleidoskop, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has invited the interested public to a new series of films and discussions. This year’s round of screenings are all on the topic of Afro-European identities and will be shown online followed by an extensive discussion session. ...more

Cluster project scrutinizes links between migration and conflict in Ituri, DR Congo - 27.04.2021

A Congolese-German research team studied the links between conflict the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and the migration of Kinyarwanda speakers scrutinizing questions of land access and identity. ...more

The second Working Paper of the Cluster’s series “Africa Multiple connects” deals with Questions of Diasporas - 24.04.2021

The Working Paper Series of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple connects” has just published its second edition. It features a paper of John Ayotunde Bewaji titled “African Studies and the Question of Diasporas”. ...more

 RecAf Spring School 2021 “in” Bayreuth - 18.04.2021

The spring school on the topic of “Popular Culture and Arts in Africa” took place at the end of March. The five-day programme is part of the project “Recalibrating Afrikanistik” which aims to critically examine the history of African Studies and hopes to prepare the discipline for the future.  ...more

Joint Lecture Series of the Universities of Bayreuth and Regensburg: "Globalization and Nationalisms Historical Perspectives on a Complex Relationship" - 09.04.2021

The shut-down of borders and the disruption of global supply chains in reaction to the COVID-19 crisis, Britain's "Brexit among other current developments show that the growing economic entanglements of the world, often abbreviated as globalization, have not put an end to nations, and nation states ...more

Bayreuth International Summer School (BISS) 2021 - with courses in African Studies - 08.04.2021

After the Bayreuth International Summer School had to take place online last year due to the pandemic, the organisational team is doing everything in its power to bring the Summer School back to the University campus in 2021, together with international guest lecturers and professors from Bayreuth ...more

Cluster receives "Gratitude Sculpture” from Dr. Faraj Remmo - 30.03.2021

In recognition of the Cluster's achievements for the general public Dr. Faraj Remmo awarded the Cluster of Excellence with the "Gratitude Sculpture” – making the Cluster part of a group of renowned recipients. ...more

“Africa*n Relations: Modalities Reflected” – Cluster conference to take place in July - 26.03.2021

The second Cluster conference will take place in the middle of July. Focusing on the topic of “Modality” and working in a hybrid format the conference will give the global scholar community a flexible platform for debating important aspects of African Studies today.  ...more

Junior Research Group on post-truth politics in Africa led by Joschka Philipps - 26.03.2021

Dr. Joschka Philipps has been appointed the leader of a newly established Junior Research Group examining “post-truth” politics in Africa. The group is currently recruiting new members and is supposed to start its work in July 2021....more

Remembering the victims of the transatlantic slave trade - 22.03.2021

Every year on 25 March, the “International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade” offers an opportunity to honour and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. ...more

International Docorate Program (IDP): “Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World” - 22.03.2021

The chair “African Legal Studies” at the University of Bayreuth with its director and member of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence Prof. Dr. Thoko Kaime will be part of an International Doctoral Program. The Program called “Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World” (BHR_Governance) will start in 2021. ...more

Condolences on the Passing of Professor Omar Egesah - 22.03.2021

It was with deep shock and profound sadness that we received the devastating news of the unexpected and untimely passing of Professor Omar Egesah on Thursday, March 18, 2021. ...more

La F/francophonie in Africa: history and current challenges - 20.03.2021

In her contribution on the topic of "Francophonie" Cluster member Dr. Aminata Cécile Mbaye shares her thoughts on the subject that differ from the commonly used narrative used by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. ...more

Celebrating African Poetry - 15.03.2021

In the week leading up to World Poetry Day on 21 March, the Cluster of Excellence celebrates the richness of poetry the African continent has to offer. Every day, a Cluster member or affiliate presents their favorite African poet providing us with a miniscule glimpse into the abundant wealth of African wordsmiths. ...more

Lagos ACC invites four scholars as visiting fellows - 11.03.2021

In order to enhance the discussions and work on the topics close to the Cluster of Excellence’s agenda, the University of Lagos African Cluster Centre (Lagos ACC) has invited four renowned scholars to visit the centre as part of its fellowship programme. ...more

Prof. Dr. Grace Musila joins the Cluster as new Advisory Board member - 03.03.2021

The Cluster’s Advisory Board is complete again. Prof. Dr. Grace Musila, renowned scholar from Witwatersrand University, South Africa, joins the panel of reputed researchers to support the Cluster of Excellence in its endeavors. She replaces Prof. Dr. Arjun Appadurai (New York University, USA) who left the board for personal reasons. ...more

"Child labour retards economic growth" - Interview with Dr. Raymond Frempong - 26.02.2021

In this interview Dr. Raymond Frempong talks about the topic of child labour in general and the findings in his latest research on the issue explaining the main factors prompting a household to send their children to work. ...more

DjumbaiALA team obtains BMBF grant for early-career researchers - 25.02.2021

Six years ago, the founders of DjumbaiALA created a network committed to enhancing intercultural conversations and a non-hierarchical co-production of knowledge in the Global South. Now, the project has been awarded a grant by the BMBF. ...more

Cluster establishes new lecture series in honour of late Okwui Enwezor - 24.02.2021

In recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of African and Global Arts the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence honours the late Nigerian art curator, historian and writer Okwui Enwezor by establishing an annual lecture carrying his name. ...more

Four Junior Research Groups enrich the Cluster's multifaceted agenda - 24.02.2020

In accordance with its early career support strategy the Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth is in the process of establishing four Junior Research Groups. Dr. Serawit Debele and Dr. Cassandra Mark-Thiessen are two of the four new Junior Research Group leaders expected to be appointed. ... more

Dr. Oumarou Boukari: International Mother Language – a transversal perspective - 21.02.2021

On the 21st February 2021, the International Mother Language Day is celebrated globally. Dr. Oumarou Boukari, Assistant Professor of Romance and General Linguistics at University of Bayreuth and member of the Cluster’s Research Section “Moralities” reflects on the background of this day and its value for today’s multilingual societies. ...more

Gil Ndi-Shang "The Radio" - 13.02.2021

In 2012, UNESCO declared 13 February to be "World Radio Day" honouring radio as a powerful medium for celebrating the diversity of humanity. Fittingly, on this date Cluster member Gil Ndi-Shang provides a first look into his latest book called "The Radio and other Stories" which will be published shortly. ... more

New gardens for the Sahara: Social Anthropologist from Bayreuth leads sustainable agriculture project in Chad - 08.02.2021

An unusual project in northern Chad started in January 2021 under the leadership of Dr Tilman Musch, social anthropologist at the University of Bayreuth: In the Tibesti Mountains, an old tradition of horticulture is to be revived and optimised with the instruments of modern sustainable agriculture. ...more

New podcast series on African Mobilities - 03.02.2021

The Cluster of Excellence has started a new podcast based on Sprint Lectures. Cluster scholars as well as invited guests will give insights on African mobilities.  ...more

MuDAIMA project: Understanding the entanglements of the African integration processes - 02.02.2021

The Cluster’s research project “Multiplicity in Decision-Making of Africa’s Interacting Markets: The Functioning of Community Law, the Role of Market Participants and the Power of Regional Judges (MuDAIMa)” aims to contribute to the understanding of the various aspects of integration processes. ...more

Interview with Fellow Dr. R. Benedito Ferrão - 02.02.2021

Just before leaving Bayreuth to go back to teaching in the U.S., Cluster Fellow Dr. R. Benedito Ferrão talked with us about his time in Bayreuth, his interesting research foci and why Shakespeare and Cosima Wagner were somewhat responsible for his application. ...more

“The chair aims to cross-fertilize and inform epistemic changes across disciplines” – Interview with Prof. Dr. Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 01.02.2021

While the pandemic was in full swing in 2020, a new chair was established at the University of Bayreuth: Prof. Dr. Sabelo Ndlovu Gatsheni joined the Cluster of Excellence as head of “Epistemologies of the Global South with Emphasis on Africa”. In this interview, the renowned scholar talks about his first weeks in Germany as well as his goals and foci for the new position. ...more

Cluster’s Co-Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler delivers New Year Lecture - 15.01.2021

On 14 January 2021, the annual New Year Lecture of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence was held by Cluster Deputy spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler. Her lecture focused on the topic of Polyrhythmic gestures in African arts and featured examples of polyrhythm in African poetry, dance and caligraphy. ...more

Cluster research project "Making a Living: Learning trajectories towards the ability to earn a livelihood" – 17.12.2020

As part of the Research Section “Learning” one projects scrutinizes the ways of becoming an adult and making a living for rural members of the younger generation in West Africa who were part of the global schooling campaigns in the early 2000s. ...more

"Les Fellows sont des ambassadeurs ayant une double mission" – Entretien avec Prof. Dr. Miampika Moundele – 16.12.2020

Prof. Dr. Miampika Moundele is one of the Fellows currently working at the Cluster of Excellence. We talked to him about his experience at the University of Bayreuth in the midst of the global pandemic and his research projects that he is currently working on. (Interview in French and English) ...more

Prof. Dr. Michael Steppat speaks in Moscow on “The Excellence Strategy: Cutting-Edge Research in Germany?” - 15.12.2020

Prof. Dr. Michael Steppat, a member of the RS Knowledges, was invited by Moscow Region State University (MGOU) to speak about “The Excellence Strategy: Cutting-Edge Research in Germany?” in December. ...more

New Year Lecture 2021 held by Cluster’s Co-Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler - 14.12.2020

In January 2020 the annual New Year Lecture of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence was successfully launched. Due to the pandemic, the 2021 edition of the talk will be held as an online-only event and will focus on the topic of Polyrhythmic gestures in African art. The Cluster’s Deputy Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler will be giving the lecture ...more

Congratulations on the University Medal, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wanitzek! - 14.12.2020

Each year the “dies academicus” in Bayreuth celebrates the anniversary of the foundation of the University of Bayreuth. This year, the medal went to the Cluster of Excellence’s founding member Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wanitzek ...more

“Not so long ago Europe was the continent from where people fled” – an Interview with Jochen Lingelbach - 13.12.2020

In 2020, the Cluster member Dr. Jochen Lingelbach published “On the Edges of Whiteness” – a book on the history of Polish refugees in British Colonial Africa. In this interesting interview, the author talks about how his interest in the topic came about and why these historic events have relevance today. ...more

„We must make better use of the expertise from Bayreuth in Berlin!”: Member of German Bundestag Thomas Hacker visits the Cluster of Excellence - 11.12.2020

During a visit at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence member of German Bundestag Thomas Hacke expressed the wish for thematic collaboration between policymakers in Berlin and scholars in Bayreuth and proposed to develop a regular dialogue between the institution and the national administration. ...more

The Cluster launches App “African Alphabets of the Bayreuth Cluster” (AABC) - 10.12.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has developed an app for mobile and desktop devices providing users with keyboards for all common African languages and scripts ...more

Personalia: A note from former fellow Dr. S.N. Nyeck – 04.12.2020

In the first two years, the Cluster of Excellence has successfully hosted 32 fellows for a certain period of time. But even when the stay at the University of Bayreuth is over the Cluster has a strong interest to follow the academic paths of its former fellows creating a network of outstanding scholars affiliated with the institution. This is a summary of activities post-fellowship Dr. S.N. Nyeck sent for us to publish. ... more

Interview with Dr. Christine Vogt-William: "Change in the making" - 04.12.2020

As envisaged in its concept, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has established a Gender and Diversity Office (GDO). In this interview, Christine Vogt-William, who has been successfully filling the important role of Director of the GDO office, talks about the Cluster’s goals and how her work commits to achieving these.  ...more

Great response for the Cluster’s call for artist fellowships - 04.12.2020

When the Cluster of Excellence issued its call for the artist residency programme in the summer of 2020, it was not clear what kind of response was to be expected. However, with about 200 inquiries and 65 applications the call turned out to be a great success and in December 2020 the new participants of the fellowship programme were finally announced. ...more

Prof. Sabelo Ndlovu Gatsheni: "The Cognitive Empire in Africa: Knowledge, Consciousness, and Epistemic Freedom" - 30.11.2020

Had it not been for the consequences of the cognitive empire, we would not be talking about the colonization and decolonization of African minds today ...more

BATATA – Bioeconomy as societal change in Tanzania - 10.11.2020

How do Tanzanian smallholder farmers and pastoralists envision a flourishing life? The Batata project, an international corporation of an interdisciplinary group of scholars, aims to examine this and other questions regarding the agricultural future of the East African country. ...more

Intersectionality course by Cluster PI goes into another round - 09.11.2020

After establishing the new complementary studies programme on intersectionality and diversity competences in the winter semester of 2019, Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt now offers the next round of lectures on the topic. Starting in November 2020, the lectures will take place every Thursday until the middle of February 2020. ...more

Everyone’s human rights – A series of debates on human rights in Africa - 05.11.2020

From August to October 2020 the chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth hosted a series of debates on various aspects of the main topic “Human Rights in Africa”. The events were supported by the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence. ...more

Interview with Dr. Eleanor Higgs, fellow of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence - 30.10.2020

Although the global pandemic has been posing numerous challenges for the work of the Cluster of Excellence, the Cluster’s fellows are still very much an integral part of the Cluster’s research work. In this interview, Dr. Eleanor Tiplady Higgs, who arrived the beginning of October in Bayreuth, talks about her motivation to apply for the fellowship and her field of research.  ...more

The Cluster publishes “Africa Multiple connects” – a series of working papers - 30.10.2020

The Working Paper Series of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple connects” was developed to give a forum to the research conducted within the Cluster. The series’ first edition titled “Figuring out how to reconfigure African Studies” was written by no other than the dean of the Cluster of Excellence himself: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann. ...more

(++Postponed due to current Corona regulations++) Cinema Africa 2020 – Tuesday is “Cinema Africa Day” - 13.10.2020

In November 2020, Tuesdays in Bayreuth will be “Cinema Africa Day”. Each week, the renowned film festival “Cinema Africa” will present a double feature of African movies at Bayreuth’s Cineplex movie theatre, showing a wide range of African cinematic storytelling. ...more

The Cluster's Digital Literature Festival - 05.08.2020

The 10th anniversary of the Bayreuth Literature Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures was held during the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The festival team, however, found new formats to present two interesting days of discussions, readings, music and academic contributions on the topic of “Care, Responsibility and Solidarity”. ...more

An interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bergermann - 31.07.2020

How is knowledge produced? How do we get to know something at all, what are the beliefs and ideologies coining the respective sensory impressions, concepts in the mind, and the media shaping, if not enabling thought, and: who is 'we'? I have been wondering about that for a long time. ...more

On Racism – An Interview with Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma and Dr. Christine Vogt-William - 06.07.2020

Weeks after the death of the Black American George Floyd at the hands of the police there are still mass protests in the USA. His death ignited discussions around the world. ...more

Interview mit Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma und Dr. Christine Vogt-William zum Thema Rassismus - 06.07.2020

Mehrere Wochen nach der Tötung des Schwarzen George Floyd durch einen Polizisten in USA gibt es immer noch Massen-Proteste in den USA. Diese Ereignisse haben einer Diskussion neues Feuer gegeben, die nun auf der ganzen Welt geführt wird.  ...more

The Cluster’s Stance on Racism and Black Lives Matter - 29.06.2020

The Academic Committee of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, in its capacity as the Cluster’s highest decision-making body, has released an official statement to clarify its stance on racism and the Black Lives Matter movement. The statement is the result of extensive discussion among the members of the Africa Multiple Cluster and reiterates the Cluster’s commitment to actively pursue an anti-racist agenda. ...more

Fellow Dr Taofik Olasunkanmi Adesanmi: “The Cluster offers me a formidably promising platform for connection and interpersonal relationship" - 18.06.2020

When he arrived in Bayreuth the campus was bustling with energy but then everything changed. As his fellowship at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is coming to an end we sat down with Dr. Taofik Olasunkanmi Adesanmi talking with him about his academic journey leading up to the fellowship and what is next in line for him. ...more

Statement on Achille Mbembe and the Debate over Anti-Semitism - 14.05.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth seeks to work toward the reconfiguration of African Studies. This agenda requires us to take a position in the current debate about Achille Mbembe, a leading intellectual on the African continent. The recent demand by some public officials in Germany to withdraw the invitation to Mbembe to hold a keynote at the Ruhrtriennale festival in August 2020 on account of purportedly anti-Semitic statements sparked off a public discussion that has partly overshot the mark. ...more

Fellow Portrait Dr. Susanne Mohr: “I am looking forward to stimulating discussions with like-minded colleagues from various disciplines” - 30.04.2020

Dr. Susanne Mohr started her fellowship at the University of Bayreuth right when the Corona crisis was starting to affect the campus the beginning of March. However, the scholar is determined to make the best of her stay benefitting from and contributing to the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence as much as possible for the duration of her fellowship. ...more

#LockdownVoices: Cluster of Excellence creates new facebook hashtag - 28.04.2020

By asking artists associated with the Cluster of Excellence and its members how they cope with the current situation and posting their answers and contributions online the Cluster created its very own hashtag: #LockdownVoices can be found on all social media channels of the Cluster. ... more

Reconfiguring African Studies Workshop at Kenyan Moi University - 27.04.2020

The African Cluster Centre (ACC) of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya invited representatives of other ACCs to discuss questions on the topic of “Reconfiguring African Studies” during a workshop held from 19 to 21 February 2020. ...more

Art meets Science: „From Plastic to Microplastic” - 23.04.2020

The special research section (SFB Microplastics) of the University of Bayreuth and the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence among others invited the renowned South African artist Mbongeni Buthelezi for a visit of a special kind. During a unique “Arts meets Science” collaboration Buthelezi worked while representatives of SFB Microplastics educated the public about plastics and microplastics. ... more

Cluster intensifies research related cooperation with its international network partners  27.04.2020

During a visit at Rhodes University in South Africa the Deputy Spokesperson of the Cluster Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler and the Cluster’s Vice Dean of research Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber discussed the future of the Cluster’s research cooperation within its international network in general and among the Cluster and its five African Cluster Centers in particular. ...more

„On Worlds and Artworks” mirrors work of Research section "Arts and Aesthetics" - 27.04.2020

From 10 to 14 February 2020, the Research Section “Arts and Aesthetics” organized its first workshop with the title “On Worlds and Artworks”. It took place partly in the Research Institute of Music Theater (FIMT) in Thurnau and partly in Iwalewahaus, mirroring the broad range of arts represented in the Research Section. ...more

Workshop on “Data and Theoretical Perspectives on Colonial Letters" - 26.04.2020

The inaugural workshop of the research project “Colonial Letters and the Contact of Knowledges” organized by Glory Essien Otung and Eric A. Anchimbe took place the beginning of March 2020. Titled “Data and Theoretica Perspectives on Colonial Letters” the workshop discussed the outlines of the project offering participants a detailed insight into the project’s aims and objects. ...more

SKAnning Space from Africa: Seeing and Becoming - 23.04.2020

As the culmination of the multilateral postdoc working group “SKAnning Space from Africa: Seeing and Becoming” focusing on the largest radio telescope on earth, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), an interdisciplinary workshop took place in Bayreuth from 10 to 14 February 2020. ...more

The Cluster and Uni BT welcome Professor Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 22.04.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence and the University of Bayreuth have just announced that a new member will join the research organization this summer: Professor Dr. Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni. ...more

The Activities of the Postdoc Working Group “Shakespearean Pasts, African Futurities: Entanglements of Memory, Temporalities and Knowledge(s)” - 21.04.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is promoting working formats for postdoctoral researchers and advanced doctoral candidates by inviting working groups to do research on a specific topic within the Cluster setting. Lasting for one term, these working groups may nominate fellows and integrate those already present in the Cluster into their project. ...more

New online lecture series on “African Literature” - 16.04.2020

For the upcoming academic semester the Cluster’s PI Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt has developed a new lecture series. “African Literature – Histories, Pillars and Visions” will review an array of various examples of African literature. Due to the rules of social distancing this lecture series will be held online via zoom. ...more

Cluster Activities Cancelled until 20 April 2020 - 19.03.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has issued a statement regarding the latest developments concerning the Corona virus and the implications for the Cluster’s upcoming planned events. ...more

New Year Lecture: Figuring out How to Reconfigure African Studies - 24.02.2020

The dean of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann invited the interested public to the first annual New Year Lecture on 16 January 2020. He took it upon himself to hold the inaugural speech titled “Figuring out how to reconfigure African Studies” giving interesting insights in what it is the Cluster is trying to achieve. ...more

Talking moral talks with Dr. Joe Spencer-Bennett - 22.02.2020

From 29 through 31 January 2020 Dr. Joe Spencer-Bennett was invited by the research section “Moralities” to stay at the University of Bayreuth for an exchange of ideas on the topic of moral communication. During his stay, the professor of Applied Linguistics gave a public lecture on “„Moral talk: debates about its forms, functions and value in political life”... more

Fellow Portrait: Dr. Melina C. Kalfelis - 19.02.2020

The fellowship program of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence was founded with the purpose of strengthening its transdisciplinary agenda. In the academic year 2019/20 a total number of fourteen fellows are hosted at the University of Bayreuth. Dr. Melina C. Kalfelis, who belongs to the first group of Cluster fellows visiting Bayreuth, is currently in Ghana but will be expected to return in June for the remainder of her granted stay. ...more

Symposium Intersectionality - 10.02.2020

Since October 2019, the topic of intersectionality has successfully been added to the studies’ programme of the University of Bayreuth. In the beginning of February, a symposium on the topic brought more scholars and students together for a valuable exchange. ...more

International Conference “Frontiers in Digital African Research”- 05.02.2020

The conference “Frontiers in Digital African Research” held at the Iwalewahaus from 30th January to 1st February 2020 brought together international researchers and specialists from various disciplines involved in the digital transformation of research data processes, be it the constant development of knowledge databases or repositories, modelling theory and practices or legal and ethical considerations revolving around digitalization projects. ...more

Cluster of Excellence’s PI founds new Master's Program - 04.02.2020

The new Master’s Program titled "Global History" launched by the Cluster of Excellence’s Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Joël Glasman and Prof. Dr. Kristin Skottki can boast a successful start. After its take-off this academic semester, application for the upcoming winter semester 2020/21 may be submitted until 15 July 2020. ...more

Art meets Science: „From Plastic to Microplastic” - 03.02.2020

After a first successful visit in 2019, South-African artist Mbongeni Buthelezi will be back at the Iwalewahaus this February. A number of public events will give the interested public an opportunity to watch his artistic process live and engage with the artist while he creates art from plastic waste. ...more

Statement of the "Institut für Afrikastudien" (IAS) and the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence of the University of  Bayreuth - 27.01.2020


Cinema Africa presented AfriKaleidoskop – a film night at a historic movie theater - 22.01.2020

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will continue its cinematographic endeavors in 2020. First stop: an invitation to see three outstanding movies during an extensive movie night. More events are planned. ...more

Afrika@School: Teaching children about Africa - 20.01.2020

Since 2018, the Model African Union (MAU) Bayreuth e. V. is organizing “Afrika@School” – a project teaching German school children about Africa. Continuing its success story and supported by the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, the project organizers are planning several events for 2020. ...more

Conference “Africa challenges” is calling for papers - 15.01.2020

The African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.) is organizing the conference “Africa challenges” which will take place at the end of September 2020 in Frankfurt. The conference has just issued a call for papers for its many panels, one of which is convened by Anna Madeleine Ayeh, member of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence. ...more

International Conference: “African Studies and land questions in Africa” - 14.12.2019

From 27 through 29 November 2019, an international conference took place at the University of Cape Town in South Africa debating an issue that is at the heart of African Studies today: Land questions in Africa. Scholars from various fields illuminated the topic from a large spectrum of perspectives and disciplines. ... more

International Postdoctoral Working Groups: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies calls for proposals - 13.12.2019

The Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies has just released a call for proposals regarding their longstanding Working Group program. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2019. ... more

Research group project scrutinizes refugee camps - 12.12.2019

As part of the Cluster’s Research Section “Mobilities”, the research project “Africa in the Global History of Refugee Camps (1940s to 1950s)” has set out to examine the make-up of refugee camps in Africa looking beyond the Eurocentric history of the topic and focusing on three interrelated case studies. The research project is designed to run for a period of four years. ...more

BIGSAS issues a call for PhD-scholarships for women from the African continent - 11.12.2019

A new call for scholarship applications has been issued within the African Multiple Cluster of Excellence. The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, BIGSAS, offers two scholarships for two female PhD students from the African continent. Applications may be submitted until 9 February 2020. ...more

International Conference – Frontiers in African Digital Research - 28.11.2019

The section "Digital Solutions" within the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is organizing an international conference for the end of January 2020. The conference "Frontiers in African Digital Research" aims to provide a platform for international scholars and experts to exchange ideas and experiences. ... more

A cinematographic journey across the African continent: Cinema Africa in Bayreuth - 26.11.2019

The film festival “Cinema Africa 2019” brought four extraordinary movies to Bayreuth taking the audience on a unique cinematographic journey across the African continent. Around 280 people attended the four-day film festival and had a chance to discuss the films with each of the directors. The twelfth edition of “Cinema Africa” took place between 21 and 24 October 2019. ...more

Panel Discussion: Racism and the New Right in German Contexts – 24.11.2019

In a Knowledge Lab Panel Discussion taking place on 21 November 2019 invited Cluster members to debate racism in German academia. The group also defined means to an ethical conduct within African Studies in general and the Cluster's Research Environment in particular. ... more

BIGSAS Journalist Award 2019 celebrates outstanding reporting on Africa in German speaking media - 06.11.2019

On 29 October 2019, the BIGSAS Journalist Award was presented for the fifth time. In the presence of a considerable number of guests, the festive ceremony honoured this year’s winners who engaged in outstanding journalism on the African continent. ...more

Interdisciplinary conversations – the cluster’s kick-off conference debated important questions of African Studies today – 05.11.2019

At its kick-off conference, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence welcomed 390 scholars in at the end of October in Bayreuth. The international networking conference “Africa Multiple: Conversations and Building Networks” mainly tackled topics that are high on the Cluster’s agenda. ... more

Call for Papers: “Intersectionality: Theory, Approach, Activism” 30.10.2019

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence and the GeQuInDi network at the University of Bayreuth have issued a call for paper proposals for a three-day symposium on “Intersectionality. Theory, Approach, Activism”. The event will take place the beginning of February 2020. ...more

“Cinema Africa” celebrates its twelfth edition 29.10.2019

At the end of November, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will present the African film festival “Cinema Africa”. In total, four movies will be shown at Cineplex Bayreuth to demonstrate the wide range of filmmaking that the African film industry has to offer. ...more

Official signing of agreements with ACC 29.10.2019

On Thursday, 24.10.2019, the president of the University of Bayreuth and representatives of the four African Cluster Centres came together to sign the official agreement of cooperation. With the signing of the contracts, the African Cluster Centres, namely the University of Lagos (Nigeria), Moi University (Eldoret, Kenya), Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), and Rhodes University (Grahamstown/Makhanda, South Africa) have become members of the Cluster allowing for a new intense collaboration in research. ...more

Cluster’s Principal Investigator founds new course of studies - 24.10.2019

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence is supporting the newly founded course of studies “Intersectionality and Diversity Competences” established by the Cluster’s Principal Investigator and member of the Research Section “Knowledges” Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt. The unique course of studies includes a lecture series comprising talks by a number of Cluster members. ...more

The new call is out – the process for the fellowships of 2020/21 has begun - 22.10.2019

While the first fellows of the winter semester 2019 have just settled in, the Bayreuth Academy in the Cluster is already planning ahead issuing a call for new fellowship applications. In the academic year 2020/21 the Cluster expects to host up to 20 new fellows. ...more

The Fragmentation of religious Authority in Muslim Africa. An International Workshop - 23.10.2019

From 10 to 12 October, 2019 the workshop “The Fragmentation of Religious Authority in Muslim Africa” took place at the Indiana University Europe Gateway in Berlin. The workshop explored the topic extensively in one keynote lecture and five discussion panels. ...more

Cluster’s first scholar to be featured on LATEST THINKING - 21.10.2019

Dr. Rémi Tchokothe presented a video on his paper “‘Balladur Visa’ or ‘Visa of Death’? Questioning ‘Migration’ to Europe via the Comoros Archipelago” on the online platform LATEST THINKING making him the first scholar from the University of Bayreuth to do so. ...more

“Fellows enrich the work of the Cluster in multiple ways” - 20.10.2019

The first fellows have arrived at the University of Bayreuth to contribute to various research sections of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence. We talked to the program’s co-founder and Vice Dean of Research Professor Erdmute Alber and to the fellow Doctor Samuel Ndogo from Kenya about their expectations of the Cluster’s fellowship program. ...more

World Music in Fusion – An evening at the Margravial Opera House - 15.10.2019

On 31 October 2019, the first Network Conference of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will come to a festive close with a unique concert in a unique setting. Five internationally renowned musicians will perform bringing together their traditional instruments for a fusion of styles from classical music to Jazz at Bayreuth’s UNESCO World Heritage site: the Margravial Opera House. ...more

Panel discussion “How to do intersectionality?” - 26.09.2019

A panel discussion that took place on September 19 2019 explored the topic of “How to do Intersectionality” together with renowned expert Prof. Sumi Cho. The debate focused on the methodology and ethics of doing intersectionality analyses, and explored intersectionality as a concept, a theoretical framework and a methodology, but also its implications on the process of policy making and activism. ... more

Workshop “Un-doing post-colonial knowledges. Perspectives from academia-arts-activism” taking place in Bayreuth and Leipzig - 25.09.2019

A workshop that was held between July 19 and 21, 2019 by the Research Section “Knowledges” of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence focused on the topic of “un_doing post_colonial knowledges: perspectives from academia_arts_activism” discussing the manner of how colonial objects should be dealt with today. ...more

FAVT Kampala: Africa Multiple in style - 23.09.2019

In the middle of august 2019, the second to last edition of the FAVT – Future African Vision in Time took off in Kampala Uganda with a series of workshops, conferences – and an impressive fashion show. The festive exhibit opening received a considerable amount of public attention. The roots of this long standing touring exhibit lie in the University of Bayreuth’s Academy of Advanced African Studies and is supported by the Cluster of Excellence. ...more

20th DOCTORAL SCHOOL “FACTORY OF IDEAS” took place in Bahia - 20.09.2019

The Federal University of Bahia opened its doors to special edition of an academic icon: Between 26 August and 6 September 2019 the 20th Doctoral School “Factory of Ideas” took place in Brazil exploring the topic “THE NEW AGE OF EXTREMES: New Forms of Populism, Extremism and Identity Formation in a Transcontinental Perspective”. The Cluster of Excellence supported the traditional exchange of ideas. ...more

BIGSAS Journalist Award 2019 at the end of October 2019 - 20.09.2019

The BIGSAS Journalist Award will be awarded for the fifth time at the end of October 2019. The Award recognizes excellent journalism on Africa in German speaking media. This year, a rather unusual laureate will be announced. ...more

The "Intersectionality and Critical Diversity Literacy (ICDL) Lecture / Workshop Series" – an AMC Measure by the Gender and Diversity Office - 17.09.2019

As envisaged in its concept, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence has established a Gender and Diversity Office (GDO). For the upcoming semester, the GDO has launched an interesting workshop series on “Intersectionality and Critical Diversity Literacy”. ...more

Cluster of Excellence will offer three research formats in the upcoming academic year - 10.09.2019

Sailing under the flag of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African will provide three research formats for the coming academic year 2019/2020 at the University of Bayreuth: the fellowship program, the postdoc working groups and a program for junior academics. ...more

International Conference: The Cluster of Excellence welcomes its network partners in Bayreuth - 23.08.2019

From October 30 to 31 2019, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will host the international conference “Africa Multiple: Conversations and Building Networks” at the University of Bayreuth inviting all its network partners to a valuable exchange. ...more

African Cluster Centres visit University of Bayreuth to define cooperation goals - 02.08.2019

At the end of July, eight representatives from the four newly founded African Clusters Centres in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa visited the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence ” in Bayreuth in order to define shared goals and new modalities of cooperation. ..more

“FAVT: FUTURE AFRICA VISIONS IN TIME” brings exhibition to Kampala, Uganda - 28.07.2019

“FAVT: Future Africa Visions in Time” is an ever-changing touring exhibition combining scientific research with the production of art. In its second to last stop the intriguing presentation will be shown to the public in Kampala, Uganda, from 16th august through 15th September 2019. ...more

Cluster of Excellence launches new Fellowship program for the academic year 2019/20 - 23.07.2019

The invitations are out: The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence will host a total number of 30 fellows in the upcoming academic year. The fellowships at the University of Bayreuth will last between one and six months and are designed to create synergies with the cluster’s particular research goals. ...more

Climate, Migration and Racism – the 9th BIGSAS Literature Festival focuses on main topics of crises - 15.07.2019

On the first weekend of July the BIGSAS Literature Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures celebrated its ninth edition discussing topics such as climate change and war as global causes of crises, also scrutinizing the European narrative about the so called “refugee crisis”. ...more

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