Important Dates
Workshop - Future Africa - Visions in Time
24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Future Africa - Visions in Time
At CEAO, UFBA, 25.-26.04.2019
Visions of Future in Africa was part of a research project at the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany. In exchange with the Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais (CEAO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador de Bahia, the different representations of Africa in Time and Space will be discussed, which often clash as mythic and mystic images of Africa clash with conceptualizations in contemporary sociopolitical contexts and their respective artistic expressions. At this workshop, researchers and artists present and exchange their visions of Future Africa, which is also always intimately linked to concepts of history and memory.