Important Dates
Workshop un_doing post_colonial knowledges: perspectives from academia_arts_activism
18.07.2019 - 21.07.2019, 16:00
Workshop un_doing post_colonial knowledges: perspectives from academia_arts_activism (Bayreuth/Leipzig, July 18-21, 2019)
The workshop aims at following up on the debate on restitution of African objects that has become particularly prominent at the end of 2018.
It brings together expertise on questions of restitution, repatriation an on possibilities of overcoming colonial epistemologies – expertise by African and African-diasporic scholars and artists, from European institutions, from arts, academia and activism. The workshop also intends to discuss which processes are needed in addition to restitutions, in order to provide for adequate ways of dealing with colonial heritage.
The workshop sessions will take place in Bayreuth on Thurday and Friday. On Saturday, participants will have the opportunity to engage in a concrete museum/exhibition space at GRASSI Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig, where we will have a guided tour through the exhibition “Werkstatt Prolog” that was curated by Nanette Snoep who will also participate in our workshop. We will end our workshop with the Public Roundtable Discussion “Postcolonial reflections: On the future lives of objects” that will be chaired by Leipzig postcolonial.
You can find the full programme of the workshop here.
You can find the conference report here.