Important Dates
"The political economy of monetary and financial dependency: West African policy space compared" by Dr. Habil Kai Koddenbrock
2021-01-15 13:30 to 14:15
Online via Zoom
- As part of the selection process for the Junior Research Group leaders, the Africa Multiple Cluster has invited two candidates to campus, who will give lectures on January 15, 2021. Virtual attendance will be possible.
Dr. Habil Kai Koddenbrock is senior researcher in International Relations and International Political Economy at the Institute of Political Science of Goethe-University Frankfurt. He convenes the international DFG-network on the Politics of Money and is one of the speakers of the International Relations section of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). He is currently working on a monograph with Ndongo Samba Sylla and Ingrid Kvangraven on ‘African states in world markets: The longue durée of banking and self-determination until the 21st century’ and edits a collective volume on ‘Monetary and Economic Sovereignty in 21st century Africa’. In an earlier monograph he analyzed ‘The practice of humanitarian intervention’ in the DR Congo.
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