Important Dates
Fellows' Lectures: "Class in relation: Modalities of socio-economic relating in the context of transnational (forced) migration" by Dr. Tabea Scharrer
2021-01-21 12:00-14:00
Online via Zoom

Class in relation: Modalities of socio-economic relating in the context of transnational (forced) migration
by Dr. Tabea Scharrer (Universität Bayreuth / MPI für Sozialanthropologie, Halle, Deutschland)
Thu 21 January 2021, 12-14, Zoom 972 8459 4886, Passcode: 266497 (RS Learning meeting)
In my presentation, I argue that transnational forced migrants from Somalia position themselves socio-economically in relation to multiple places – the setting they lived in before they had to leave, the proximate or distant places of refuge and in relation to other possible destinations. This also means that this relationality refers to space as well as to time. Starting from there, I want to explore further modalities of relating socio-economically in the context of (forced) migration – concerning exchange and cooperation within social networks, boundary making along class-lines, but also the various notions of socio-economic status migrants encounter in the multiple spaces. The presentation builds on anthropological research with Somali migrants in Kenya, Germany and Austria.
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