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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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BAYMAU21 Digital Conference: "Made in Africa. Innovations, Concepts and Solutions for the Challenges of our Time"

2021-06-03 to 2021-06-06

As sponsor of the BAYMAU 2021, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence recommends participation in this conference.

The theme of this year’s Model African Union Conference “Made in Africa. Innovations, Concepts and Solutions for the Challenges of our Time” is to be the foundation of a progressive portrait of the African continent. Based on this foundation, topics will be discussed, workshops will be designed and lectures will be held that far from media overrepresented narratives of conflicts and poverty, will illuminate innovative, creative and emancipatory facets of this plural continent. Space will be created for ideas and concepts that come from African countries and provide solutions to the challenges of our time.

About the theme “Made in Africa” 

How can the conditions and opportunities for African entrepreneurs be improved? How can their ideas be disseminated? What are the answers to the challenges of climate change? How can justice be created in questions of responsibility for climate change? What opportunities are created by technologisation and technological innovations such as space programmes? Does this succeed in reducing dependencies or does it threaten to do the opposite? How can educational systems be innovated with the means of our time? How can these too be freed from continuing dependencies? Are pan-African education projects helpful in this respect?    

These questions and many more will occupy participants at the conference without forgetting a well mixe of cultural and informative programs from trained personnel.


The Model African Union Bayreuth Conference 2021 is going to take place from the 3rd to the 6th of June online! Stay tuned for more information about the first ever online BAYMAU Conference.

  • Find the program of the conference in PDF format here.
  • To view the schedule of the conference, please click here.
  • To apply for the conference as a delegate, please click here.

Webmaster: Dr. Doris Löhr

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