Artists in the Cluster: JEAN LUC RAHARIMANANA

Raharimanana, Jean-Luc
Writer, photographer, musician
*1967, Antananarivo, Madagascar

- 08. December 2021:
Lecture Musicale at Kulturhaus Neuneinhalb, Bayreuth
At the reading/performance in Bayreuth, Raharimanana recited excerpts from Tisser (2021) and accompanied himself on the harp.

PODCAST: Cluster Conversations with Jean Luc Raharimanana
In the month of May 2023, the poet and musician Jean Luc Raharimanana from Madagascar was invited by the Cluster of Excellence to accompany the Cluster's events and record his observations. In this episode of the Cluster Conversations Junior Research Group Leader Dr. Cassandra Mark-Thiesen took the opportunity to talk to the Malagasy artist about parallels between her work and his.
The Conversation is in French and English.
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