Shaykh Ibrahim Sidi - Tadhakkartu

Shaykh Ibrahim Sidi, Sudanese Sufi Poet
Shaykh Ibrahim Sidi from Darfur, Sudan, was a Muslim religious leader of the Tijaniyya Sufi order. Like many other Sufi masters, Shaykh Ibrahim composed religious poetry in Arabic. One of the most important poetic genres is panegyrics, or poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad. Shaykh Ibrahim was particularly gifted in this genre. His poetic works weave stylistic elements and themes from classical Arabic poetry together with mystical metaphors and ideas. His work has gone unnoticed among non-Arabic speaking audiences, and is not even widely known among non-Sufi Muslims in Africa. In Sufi circles, however, Shaykh Ibrahim’s poetry is highly acclaimed and considered to be among the finest products of mystical panegyrics. Sometimes he is even referred to as the “Ibn al-Farid of his time”, a reference to one of the most celebrated Sufi poets in history. One of Shaykh Ibrahim Sidi’s disciples was Muhammad al-Sadiq Ahmad al-Mahi, a former Sudanese pop singer, who turned Shaykh Ibrahim’s poems into lyrics for performances accompanied by the lute. This attracted strong criticism from non-Sufi Muslims who argued that these performances fell into the category of music prohibited (haram) by Islam’s sacred law. Shaykh Ibrahim, however, used to argue that the lute here resembles a glass. If you fill it with water, it is permissible (halal); if you fill it with wine, it is haram. So depending what you use the lute for, it is either haram or halal. Needless to say, he considered it halal to use the lute in order praise the Prophet Muhammad. Shaykh Ibrahim Sidi passed away in 1999. His poetry continues to enjoy huge popularity among followers of the Tijaniyya order. |
- For a recital of the poem please click here.
- A video featuring Muhammad al-Sadiq Ahmad al-Mahi can be found here.
I remembered – Tadhakkartu
I remembered, and the memory is sorrow and deep longing, I remembered, and the memory is in my heart – even its smallest part I remembered the beloved of God, the best of His creation; I remembered Ṭāhā, the most praised of all creation, I remembered Maḥmūd, Yāsīn, the intercessor; I remembered the one who fought his own people for the sake of God, Muḥammad, elected by God as locus of His manifestation: So hold in respect all his qualities, the keeper of the the locus where the Divine Names gather in His lower heavens, Slowly! In view of the one upon whom every sign came If even the angels and prophets were unable to describe him, Yet, my dedication to him heals my heart, and that I am mentioned among his panegyrists on the Day of the Assembly. It is my full conviction that my Lord, on account of praising him (the Prophet), if only my entire being were a tongue that could reiterate and that there is sufficiency for all my life in the abundance of his bounties. I have been constantly supplicating God, secretly and openly, Thereupon the Merciful graced me with the skill of panegyrics, so that I If no single word (of praise) said about the Hashemite (the Prophet) is too little, May the blessings of God be upon him, and then his peace, May the blessings of God be upon him, and then his peace, May the blessings of God be upon him, and then his peace, May the blessings of God be upon him, and then his peace, as long as Ibrāhīm invokes your memory, saying |

”The piece I selected for presentation here is taken from one of Shaykh Ibrahim’s collections of poems, titled “The Splendid Jewel in Praise of the Most Eminent Beloved” and composed in the early 1980s. The first line starts with the word, tadhakkartu (“I remembered”), which is an allusion to the “Mantle Ode” (Burda), perhaps the most famous poem in praise of the Prophet from the 13th century CE, which begins with the words “Is it because of remembering” (A-min tadhakkuri). A distinct mark of Shaykh Ibrahim’s style, also found in works by his peers, is that he frequently writes in the first person, thus seeking to depict his spiritual relationship with the Prophet in the mirror of his personal itinerary.“ Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann, Dean and Spokesperson of Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence |