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Group Leader of the Junior Research Group - Politics of the Unknown. Conspiracism and Conflict
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Joschka Philipps is Junior Research Group Leader at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, and interim professor for the Sociology of Africa Chair in the fall term 2024/25. He co-directs the interdisciplinary project “Fluid Ontologies of Contestation. Social media, anti-government protest and transnational decolonization movements in Burkina Faso” and is member of the Global Qualitative Sociology Network.
Joschka Philipps’s current research is concerned with the relationships between conflict and uncertainty. He analyses how rumours and conspiracy theories act as conjectural tools that help people and groups transform uncertainty into collective points of reference that they can act upon. His ongoing work focuses on biographical approaches to the lifeworlds of so-called conspiracy theorists in France and Guinea and on how suspicion and revelations inform political discourses on social media in Burkina Faso. Previously, Joschka worked on gangs, clans, and staffs in Conakry, the capital city of Guinea, and the role that these youth collectives played in political protests, also in comparison with similar phenomena in other cities, such as Kampala, Uganda and London, England. Methodologically, Joschka draws on ethnographic approaches, interviews, discourse analysis, comparative methods, but also on surveys and descriptive statistics, as well as interdisciplinary methods in collaboration with data scientists and artists.
He is the author of ‘Ambivalent Rage. Youth Gangs and Political Protest in Conakry, Guinea’ (2013), which won the VAD Junior Researcher Award, and the co-editor of the special issue ‘La Guinée depuis Condé’ (2023 by Politique Africaine) as well as the edited volume ‘Education in Fragile Contexts: Government Practices and Political Challenges’ (2011). His articles have appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of African Political Economy, Africa Spectrum, and the Journal of Youth Studies, as well as in the Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies. Previously, Joschka Philipps was a Senior Researcher at the Swiss Peace Foundation and a lecturer at the University of Basel. As a doctoral and postdoctoral fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, he worked at Columbia University in New York, at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden, at Les Afriques dans le Monde, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France, and at the Université de N’Zérékoré, Guinea. He also worked as a lecturer at the Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (UJKZ) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2023-24). Joschka holds a Magister (MA) in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology (University of Freiburg i.Br.), and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Joschka Philipps: Entering the Unknown : Youth within and beyond Capture. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 70 (2024). - S. 109-130.
Joschka Philipps: Die Macht und Ohnmacht der Wissenschaft im postkolonialen Kontext. In: F. Gmainer-Pranzl, B. Bussman (Hrsg.): Wissenskulturen : Stile, Methoden und Vermittlung von Wissenschaft. - Berlin : Peter Lang, 2024.
Joschka Philipps, Aurélien Gillier: Modalities of Theorising : An Interdisciplinary Reflection on Conspiracy Theories. In: Clarissa Vierke, Rüdiger Seesemann, Lena Kroeker (Hrsg.): Africa*n Relations : Modalities Reflected. - Bayreuth : 2024.
Oumarou Boukari, Joschka Philipps: "Complòóót?" Theorizing about Covid-19 conspiracies in Côte d'Ivoire. In: Michael Butter, Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective. - London : Routledge, 2023. - S. 114-127.
Joschka Philipps, Saïkou Oumar Sagnane: A disease of the rich and a disease of the poor : Comparing rumors about the coronavirus and ebola in Guinea. In: Michael Butter, Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective. - London : Routledge, 2023. - S. 128-142.
Vincent Foucher, Joschka Philipps, Abdoulaye Wotem Somparé: Guinée : éléments pour une topographie politique et morale. In: Politique Africaine, 169 (2023). - S. 5-9.
La Guinée depuis Condé. - Vincent Foucher, Joschka Philipps, Abdoulaye Wotem Somparé (Hrsg.). - Politique Africaine, 169 (2023),
Joschka Philipps: Whose Uncertainties? Dealing with Multiple Meanings in a Transnational Biography. In: Historical Social Research, 48 (2023). - S. 199-228.
Joschka Philipps: Cohen, Adrienne J.: Infinite Repertoire : On Dance and Urban Possibility in Postsocialist Guinea. Chicago, 2021. In:Anthropos, 117, S. 546-547: 2022
Joschka Philipps: The urban politics of ruins: new imaginations of postmodern Monrovia. (Rezension von: "Hoffman, Danny: Monrovia modern : urban form and political imagination in Liberia. Durham, 2017") In:Postcolonial Studies, 25, S. 169-173: 2022
Joschka Philipps: Guinea. In: Africa Yearbook Online, 18 (2021). - .
Clarence M. Batan, Adam Cooper, James E. Coté, Alan France, Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts, Siri Hettige, Ana Miranda, Pam Nilan, Joschka Philipps, Paul Ugor: Global South Youth Studies, Its Forms and Differences among the South, and between the North and South. In: Sharlene Swartz, Adam Cooper, Clarence M. Batan, Laura Kropff Causa (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020. - S. 55-76.
Joschka Philipps: Guinea. In: Africa Yearbook Online, 17 (2020). - .
Sibel Gürler, Joschka Philipps: Judicial Reform and Civil Society in Guinea : Insights from the BEFORE Project (2011-2014). - Basel, 2019. - 46 S.
Joschka Philipps: A Global Generation? Youth Studies in a Postcolonial World. In: Societies, 8 (2018). - .
Joschka Philipps: Politics of the Future - Riots of the Now : Temporal Horizons of Youth in Upheavals in England and Guinea. In: Noemi Steuer, Michelle Engeler, Elisio Macamo (Hrsg.): Dealing with Elusive Futures : University Graduates in Urban Africa. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2017. - S. 123-143.
Julia Büchele, Joschka Philipps: "We are too concerned with Africa" : Questioning and answering with Elísio Macamo. In: Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 17 (2017). - S. 95-115.
Joschka Philipps: Crystallising contention : social movements, protests and riots in African Studies. In: Review of African Political Economy, 43 (2016). - S. 592-607.
Joschka Philipps: Crystallizing Contention : A Cumulative Dissertation on Youth, Politics, and Urban Violence in Conakry, Kampala, and Beyond. - Basel : University of Basel, 2016.
Joschka Philipps, Jude Kagoro: The Metastable City and the Politics of Crystallisation : Protesting and Policing in Kampala. In: Africa Spectrum, 51 (2016). - S. 3-32.
Joschka Philipps: Branch, Adam ; Mampilly, Zachariah: Africa Uprising : Popular Protest and Political Change. London, 2015. In:Africa Spectrum, 50, S. 139-141: 2015
Joschka Philipps: Dealing with diversity : African youth research and the potential of comparative approaches. In: Journal of Youth Studies, 17 (2014). - S. 1362-1377.
Joschka Philipps: Les Jeunes et la Sécurité. In: Sébastien M. Gouraud (Hrsg.): Diagnostic Local de Sécurité : Un outil au service de la Réforme de la Police Nationale Guinéenne. - Geneve : COGINTA, 2014. - S. 165-182.
Joschka Philipps: Newell, Sasha: The Modernity Bluff : Crime, Consumption, and Citizenship in Côte d'Ivoire. Chicago, 2012. In:African Studies Quarterly, 14, S. 143-145: 2014
Joschka Philipps: Ambivalent Rage : Youth Gangs and Urban Protest in Conakry, Guinea. - Paris : Harmattan, 2013. - 244 S.
Joschka Philipps: Youth Gangs and Urban Political Protests : A Relational Perspective on Conakry's "Axis of Evil". In: Brigit Obrist, Veit Arlt, Elísio Macamo (Hrsg.): Living the City in Africa : Processes of Invention and Intervention. - Berlin : LIT, 2013. - S. 81-98.
Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps: Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - 230 S.
Joschka Philipps, Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer: Introduction. In: Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps (Hrsg.): Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - S. 13-28.
Joschka Philipps: Sweet talk or Street Riots? Education and Political Action by Youths in Conakry, Guinea. In: Heribert Weiland, Kerstin Priwitzer, Joschka Philipps (Hrsg.): Education in Fragile Contexts : Government Practices and Political Challenges. - Freiburg : Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2011. - S. 131-165.

Dr. Joschka Philipps
Politics of the Unknown. Conspiracism and Conflict
Office: University of Bayreuth, FZA, Room 1.20, Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Phone: (+49) 921 / 55-6932