Dr. Natewindé Sawadogo
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Dr. Natewindé Sawadogo is a **Maître-Assistant** (Assistant Professor) in Sociology at **Université Ouaga II** in Burkina Faso. He is a member of the "Connaissances" (Knowledge) Research Section within the **Pôle d’Excellence for African Studies, Africa Multiple** program, based at **Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo**. Dr. Sawadogo’s research focuses on the historical sociology of social sciences in Africa, addressing themes such as knowledge, power, and society; the global exchange of knowledge and technologies; global health; and methodologies in social science research. His academic background includes a PhD in Sociology from the University of Nottingham, specializing in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies, along with multiple degrees in sociology, political sociology, and regional planning. At Université Ouaga II, he has held roles as a research facilitator, program coordinator, and instructor. Recognized for his contributions, he has received prestigious grants from the Wellcome Trust for his work in biomedical ethics and social science research in African contexts.